Here are the blogs I’ve written over the years.  Subjects range from step by step painting tutorials, to botanical anatomy, to current projects.

They appear in the order they’ve been written.  However, if you scroll down the page you’ll find they have also been organised into categories to make browsing a little more focused.

There are even some guest blogs in amongst.  I hope you enjoy them, and do please feel free to leave a comment.


Illustrations for Foraging for Edible Plants Chart

I’ve recently been working on natural history illustrations for The Field Studies Councils publications department.  They appear on a fold out chart of edible British plants which has only just come out.  I’m delighted with the result.   They’ve used my illustrations beautifully, and the way the information is included is innovative and clear. Finding reference Despite it being November […] Read more

Botanical Illustration: Buttercup Species

Looking through my botanical illustrations recently, I realised I’d completed quite a few watercolors of flowers in the Buttercup genus (family Ranunculaceae).  Like the botany ingénue I am, I assumed I’d covered most of the British buttercups, and decided to write this blog.  Little did I know, I wasn’t even half-way through them! Ranunculus family […] Read more

Step by step illustration of a Wild Strawberry

One of the botanical illustrations I’ve been asked to paint as a natural history illustrator, is the Wild Strawberry .  This will be one of the plants featured on a fold-out identification chart of Edible British Plants produced by the Field Studies Council.  There’s also a 2 minute Youtube film of this illustration being completed online, in time […] Read more
exploding cucumber

Botanical illustration: The Exploding Cucumber

As a freelance natural history illustrator, I love the random nature of my commissions, and a recent request for some botanical sketchbook-style illustrations of the exploding cucumber Cyclanthera explodens was no exception. The request comes from a client working in the world of botanical cocktail research, so I was intrigued before I’d lifted a pencil. The exploding cucumber: An extraordinary […] Read more

Natural History Illustration: Step by step Parrot

As a natural history illustrator, I get asked to do botanical illustration, entomological illustration and recently, to complete an ornithological illustration of the Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot Amazona ochrocephala oratri for a friend, who has one as a pet. Getting reference The first step is always the same, get the reference ready.  In this case my client wanted […] Read more