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    beech twig
    F japnica botanical illustration

    Unearthing the Enigma: Japanese Knotweed’s Unstoppable March

    Unearthing the Enigma: Japanese Knotweed’s unstoppable march is a guest blog written by Matt from Japanese Knotweed Removal Specialists, JKWS  For more on Japanese knotweed, including blogs discussing my illustrations of the plant, a step by step sketchbook study, and comparing it to other knotweeds, please check out my earlier blogs.  You could also buy an […] Read more
    Lizzie harper botanical illustration of sunflower

    Flower shapes: Symbolism & Cultural significance

    Flower Shapes: Symbolism and Cultural Significance guest blog by Nina James Summer Flower shapes matter, culturally as well as botanically.  According to the 2016 Generations of Flowers Study 60% of Americans believe a gift of flowers has a special meaning.  This is unlike any other gift.  Many associate different colours with different meanings.   Red roses […] Read more

    The Bad Garden

    The non eco-garden is a companion blog to my earlier one, explaining and extolling the virtues of a garden that encourages wildlife and wild flowers.  Eco or Wildlife gardens are also excellent for soil health, and have good wider ecological implications for the environment.  This blog examines the flip side; things we may unintentionally do, […] Read more

    Nature Notebook & The Family Tree

    Nature notebooks seem to have run in my family for a long time.  I recently found one completed by my Great aunt Nina, back in 1919, when she was ten.  This got me thinking about all the other artists in my family, and I decided to share some of them, and their artwork. Front cover […] Read more

    Holly: History, Folklore & Wales

    Holly: History & Folklore is a guest blog from the wonderful Stewart Roberts, a local naturalist who shares his knowledge of nature and Welsh folklore on his wonderful Facebook page, where his illustrates his posts with his excellent wildlife photos.  It can also be seen as a partner to my blog series on British Trees. […] Read more

    How Art And Drawing Can Combat Stress

    This week’s blog looks at some of the health benefits and reduction of stress levels to be gained from drawing and painting.  Many thanks to Hassan Khan for this guest blog. Long tailed tits painting in progress Stress Going through a lot of stress? Feeling as if your adrenaline levels are soaring? Your pulse is […] Read more

    Lizzie Harper