Here are the blogs I’ve written over the years.  Subjects range from step by step painting tutorials, to botanical anatomy, to current projects.

They appear in the order they’ve been written.  However, if you scroll down the page you’ll find they have also been organised into categories to make browsing a little more focused.

There are even some guest blogs in amongst.  I hope you enjoy them, and do please feel free to leave a comment.

Diagrams, pen and ink, top wash, colour wash, gardening, japan, bonsai garden,

Bonsai Diagrams for Dorling Kindersely/Penguin

Bonsai Project I’m currently doing a series of botanical illustrations for a book on Bonsai trees by Peter Warren for Dorling Kindersely/Penguin Books.  We’re concentrating on coloured diagrams of the trees. There may also be some step-by-step illustrations, and there’s talk of Japanese style “icons” too. A note on copyright Unusually for me, I’ve allowed DK/Penguin […] Read more
sketchbbok, sketchbook study, botanical illustration.

Natural History Illustration: Current projects

The last few weeks have been busy with botanical illustration projects, scientific illustrations, and diagrams.  There has also been the inevitable swirl of Christmas cards, school carol concerts, buying wrapping paper, and figuring out which relatives we’ll descend on, and when. Invented animal: Projects you worry about The most peculiar commission was for an invented […] Read more
leaf, leaf attachment, flowers, botany, botanical terms, leaves, veins, venation,

Botanical Illustration: Late flowering plants

Winter closes in, and many of the plants I need to illustrate for The Cultivated Forager (follow up to The Hedgerow Handbook, also by Adele Nozedar) are no longer much use as they are bearing neither flowers nor berries. Flowers which are still in bloom However, I was surprised to notice various plants which are most definitely in flower, […] Read more
Grey heron Ardea cinerea natural history illustration by Lizzie Harper

Illustrating Birds on the River Wye

Bird illustrations Over the years I’ve done bird paintings, natural history illustrations, ornithological illustrations, scientific illustrations; call them what you will, but I’ve painted loads of British bird species. It’s always a joy to see the birds I’ve depicted in the flesh (in the feather), and this often happens by the river Wye. I go […] Read more
Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus natural history illustration by Lizzie Harper

Botanical Illustrations, a Sparrowhawk, and some Butterflies

Botanical illustrations Commission by Rodale I’ve just finished a whole set of botanical illustrations for “Rodale’s 21st century Herbal” by Michael Balick; a mix of full watercolours like this cross section of an Echinacea; pen and ink with colour wash, like this sheet of seeds and fruit; step-by-step gardening illustrations like this layering of marjoram, and a bundle […] Read more
leaf, leaves, leaf shape, compound leaves, simple leaves, botany, botany terms,

Botanical Illustration: Compound and Simple leaves

I’ve recently completed some botanical illustrations and diagrams of leaves.  They’re for for The 21st Century Herbal by Michael Balick. Several illustrations demonstrating different botanical terms for leaf shape were required. Reasons why botanical terminology helps I think knowing what variety exists in nature helps you to understand what you’re drawing.  So I thought I’d share some botanical terminology […] Read more
Sxs, step by step, demo, tutorial, art tutorial, online tutorial, entomological illustration, process, fritillary, butterfly, natural history illustration, scientific illustration,

Illustration of Silver Washed Fritillary Butterfly

I’ve been working on natural history watercolour illustrations for Buckinghamshire, Bedforshire & Oxon Wildlife Trust this month, and one of the species they wanted me to paint was the beautiful Silver washed fritillary butterfly, Argynnis paphia. This butterfly is instantly distinct from the other fritillaries because of the striking markings on its underwings; greens, golds, and some […] Read more
butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, butterflies,

Natural History Illustration: Butterflies gallery

Before they disappear for another year, I thought it might be worth putting up a collection of my illustrations of some of the more common British butterfly species. These have mostly been commissioned privately, or by the Wildlife Trusts. For a really good guide to the commoner British butterfly species, you should get The Butterflies of Britian […] Read more