Christmas botanical illustrations

I’ve not been working this week, it’s the holidays. There are five illustrations outstanding for the Whipsnade Zoo commission, but the deadline isn’t for a fortnight so I’ll have plenty of time to complete them ahead of schedule.
Instead, I’ve assembled a variety of seasonal illustrations, done over the years.
Christmas plants
There are lots of different plants associated with this season; and all are rather interesting to paint. They have tough leaves, but the berries can make them tempting subject matter.
Here’s some holly
and some ivy.
Two images of mistletoe,
A sprig of silver fir
Christmas birds
and a robin (not in a silly festive hat this time).
I hope everyone has a very happy holiday, and a wonderful new year.
Here are some other festive blogs; Christmas greenery , Botanical illustration and xmas decorations, and a step by step holly leaf.