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    Unearthing the Enigma: Japanese Knotweed’s Unstoppable March

    F japnica botanical illustration

    Unearthing the Enigma: Japanese Knotweed’s unstoppable march is a guest blog written by Matt from Japanese Knotweed Removal Specialists, JKWS  For more on Japanese knotweed, including blogs discussing my illustrations of the plant, a step by step sketchbook study, and comparing it to other knotweeds, please check out my earlier blogs.  You could also buy an original illustration  or sketchbook study of the plant.

    As ever, I want to point out that invasive species are not intrinsically “bad”, but are extremely successful plants.  And it is entirely our fault that they are growing so well in non-native habitats where natural competition and predation isn’t present, controlling their spread.

    Introduction: A Botanical Invader in Our Midst

    Imagine a plant so resilient that it can break through concrete, thrive in hostile environments, and regenerate from a mere fragment. Welcome to the world of Japanese Knotweed, the UK’s most unwelcome guest. Once a beloved ornamental newcomer from Japan, this plant has morphed into public enemy number one, infiltrating gardens and wild areas across the country with a villainous prowess akin to a supervillain in a cape.

    Origins and Spread: From Beauty to Beast

    Japanese Knotweed was first brought to the UK from Japan in the mid-19th century by botanist Philipp Franz von Siebold. Initially celebrated for its ability to provide quick cover with its dense canopies, it was used extensively in landscaping. However, its highly adaptive nature and robust rhizome system allowed it to thrive in diverse environments—from riverbanks to railway embankments—spreading far beyond intended confines. Its aggressive growth allows it to overpower native plants, erode biodiversity, and disrupt ecosystems.

    Habit drawing of Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica 

    Identification Guide: Recognising the Threat

    Effective management of Japanese Knotweed starts with accurate identification. Here are key identifiers:

    Leaves: Broadly oval, flat, and sharply pointed at the tip, resembling a shield.

    Stems: Hollow and jointed, similar to bamboo, with a distinct green colour speckled with purple.

    Flowers: Small, creamy-white flowers appear in elongated clusters during late summer and early autumn.

    Growth Pattern: Knotweed can grow up to 10 centimetres per day during the growing season, quickly forming dense thickets.

    Ecological Impact: A Formidable Foe

    sketch botanical illustration of invasive Japanese knotweed plant

    Sketchbook study of Japanese knotweed

    The ecological consequences of Japanese Knotweed are severe. It forms dense thickets that overshadow and outcompete native vegetation, leading to reduced biodiversity. Its extensive root system can damage foundations, walls, pavements, and flood defences, causing significant economic costs for remediation and repair. The plant is especially problematic in urban areas, where it can grow through concrete and asphalt, leading to costly damages to property and infrastructure.

    For more information on the ecological impact of invasive species, you can refer to the Royal Horticultural Society.

    Economic and Property Impacts

    The presence of Japanese Knotweed can severely impact property values, often reducing them by as much as 10%. Sellers are legally required to declare its presence under the TA6 form used in property transactions. Failure to manage or disclose its presence can lead to legal disputes and potential liability for homeowners. Mortgage lenders often refuse loans on properties affected by Knotweed unless there is a professional management plan in place, complicating sales and affecting the housing market.

    Root crown of Japanese knotweed

    Homeowners have reported difficulty in securing mortgages due to the presence of Knotweed. Some lenders outright refuse to finance properties with known infestations, while others demand comprehensive treatment plans. This has led to situations where potential sales fall through, leaving homeowners with the financial burden of treatment and a devalued property.

    For more details on how invasive plants can affect property transactions, the UK Government’s website provides valuable insights.

    Professional Removal and Management

    Eradicating Japanese Knotweed is complex and typically requires professional intervention. Treatment involves:

    Chemical Control: Systemic herbicides are applied over several growing seasons to ensure the rhizomes are thoroughly killed. This method often requires repeated applications to be effective.

    Physical Removal: Involves excavating the entire root system, which can extend deep into the ground. This process is labour-intensive and more costly but necessary for severe infestations.

    Biological Control: Research is ongoing into natural predators that can help control Knotweed. For instance, the Japanese knotweed psyllid is being tested for its effectiveness in reducing the plant’s spread without harming native species.

    For those facing issues with this invasive plant, professional intervention is crucial. More information can be found on knotweed removal services to understand the full scope of effective treatment options.

    F japnica botanical illustration
    Japanese Knotweed Fallopia japonica
    Community Initiatives and Public Awareness

    Combating Japanese Knotweed is not just an individual concern but a community-wide effort. Public awareness and cooperation are crucial in controlling its spread. Local councils and environmental groups often conduct awareness campaigns and removal initiatives to control its spread. Public participation in reporting sightings and adhering to disposal guidelines is crucial to managing this invasive species effectively.

    Education and awareness campaigns play a vital role in preventing the spread of Japanese Knotweed. These campaigns often focus on teaching people how to identify the plant and the importance of not disturbing or spreading it. For example, Knotweed fragments can easily be transported on footwear, vehicles, and equipment, leading to new infestations in previously unaffected areas.

    Pollinators visiting the flowers of Japanese knotweed

    Community-led initiatives, such as organised removal events and monitoring programs, can significantly contribute to controlling Knotweed. By working together, residents can share resources and knowledge, making it easier to manage infestations and prevent further spread. Collaboration with local authorities and professional removal services ensures that efforts are coordinated and effective.

    Innovative Solutions and Future Prospects

    Research into new methods of controlling Japanese Knotweed is ongoing, with promising developments in both chemical and biological control strategies. One area of focus is the development of more targeted herbicides that can effectively kill Knotweed while minimising harm to other plants and animals. Advances in biotechnology may also offer new solutions, such as genetically modified organisms that can specifically target Knotweed without affecting other species.

    Stand of Japanese knotweed

    Another innovative approach being explored is the use of biological control agents. One such agent is the psyllid insect, which feeds exclusively on Japanese Knotweed and has been released in controlled trials to assess its effectiveness in reducing the plant’s growth. This method, if successful, could provide a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to manage Knotweed infestations.

    For a deeper dive into ongoing research, the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) offers extensive resources on biological control measures and other scientific approaches to managing invasive species.

    The Role of Property Owners in Managing Knotweed

    Homeowners and property managers play a critical role in the fight against Japanese Knotweed. Early detection and swift action are key to preventing the plant from establishing a foothold. Property owners should regularly inspect their land for signs of Knotweed, particularly in areas where it has previously been found or is known to occur.

    Once identified, it is crucial to act quickly and engage professional services to ensure thorough and effective eradication. DIY attempts are often insufficient and can lead to further spread of the plant. Professional services, such as those provided by experts in knotweed removal, offer tailored solutions to each unique situation, ensuring the best chance of complete removal.

    Book on Japanese knotweed featuring my illustrations by Nicolas Seal

    Conclusion: A Call to Action Against an Invasive Giant

    The battle against Japanese Knotweed in the UK underscores the broader challenges of managing invasive species in a globalised world. It calls for vigilance, responsible management, and community cooperation to mitigate its impacts. As we advance in our methods to control this plant, the lessons learned can help inform the management of other invasive species and protect our natural and built environments for future generations.

    By staying informed and proactive, property owners can play a pivotal role in controlling the spread of Japanese Knotweed. Working with experts and engaging in community efforts will not only protect individual properties but also contribute to the wider effort to preserve the UK’s biodiversity and landscape integrity. Together, we can tackle this green invader and safeguard our environment for future generations.

    Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica seedling


    1. Thank you for a most informative article. Have not seen it here in NC, USA but will keep my eye out for it.

      How is the books coming? I am so looking forward to it.

      1. Hi Beth

        Lovely to hear from you! I’m waiting for them to kick “start” on the editing process, it seems that doing a book is an even longer gestation than having a child! But I’m guessing that since they’ve already paid for it, at some point they’ll get round to publishing it. I’ll keep everyone posted when they do. Ah the world of publishing….

    2. I have a small patch of Japanese knotweed in my Michigan yard. You can eat this plant. There are plenty of online articles describing harvesting and preparation of the plant. It is similar to the Asian silver carp in the U.S. Invasive but good to eat. Infant, the fish is being harvested, frozen and exported to China where it is a delicacy. Maybe put knotweed on the menu.

      1. John, this is such a good suggestion. Thankyou. I didnt now it was edible. This is an innovative way to deal with invasives, I love it

    3. Hi Lizzie.
      John Novak is right. Japanese knotweed is edible and that is the reason why it can’t invade Asian yards.
      It is like bamboo that is equally invasive if it is left on its own, but it has a load of uses as it can be used in construction, for making paper and fabrics, furniture, food, making baskets, as a fuel etc.

      Here are some random recipes with Japanese knotweed.
      I think that trying to control it with chemical or other methods is just the wrong and “amateurish” approach.

    4. Unless you are eating the entire plant,roots and all, eating just some of the stems or leaves will not solve any part of the problem with this invasive species. Eating silver or bighead carp will not stop the remaining fish from repopulate what was removed.

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    Lizzie Harper