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    beech twig
    hot press stonehenge

    Botanical Illustration: Comparing HP Watercolour Papers 2

    This is the second of three reviews of watercolour Hot Press papers for botanical illustration.  Please check out the first and third in this series for more tests and results! As a botanical illustrator, having a good hot press watercolour paper to work on is really important.  Unfortunately, recently the paper I used to use, Fabriano […] Read more
    red clover

    Botanical Illustration of Red Clover- step by step

    This botanical illustration of Red clover Trifolium pratense was completed recently for the Field Studies Council who are producing a leaflet on identifying plants and wild flowers of the wayside and hedgerows.  You’ll see the same basic approach is taken with all my step by step blogs; it’s only the details and colours that very. Gathering reference […] Read more

    Natural History Illustration: Step by step Parrot

    As a natural history illustrator, I get asked to do botanical illustration, entomological illustration and recently, to complete an ornithological illustration of the Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot Amazona ochrocephala oratri for a friend, who has one as a pet. Getting reference The first step is always the same, get the reference ready.  In this case my client wanted […] Read more
    leaves and shadows

    Botanical illustration tips on painting leaves

    I’ve been doing botanical illustrations this week, and think perhaps some ideas on how to undertake a scientific illustration of leaves might be useful.  Most of these examples are from my botanical sketchbooks (always keep sketchbooks!); although the final pieces are completed works for clients. Getting Reference before you start It goes without saying that […] Read more

    Christmas botanical illustrations

    I’ve not been working this week, it’s the holidays.  There are five illustrations outstanding for the Whipsnade Zoo commission, but the deadline isn’t for a fortnight so I’ll have plenty of time to complete them ahead of schedule. Instead, I’ve assembled a variety of seasonal illustrations, done over the years. Christmas plants There are lots […] Read more

    Lizzie Harper