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    beech twig

    Jersey Post: Coastal Flowers Stamp issue

    Jersey Post recently brought out their “Coastal Flowers: Post and Go” stamp issue, which I was lucky enough to have illustrated.  (All illustrations in this blog are copyright Jersey Post 2020). Illustrating stamps Each stamp issue involves illustrating six stamps, a presentation pack, an envelope for the First Day Cover, and a date stamp.  This […] Read more
    Pied wagtail

    Pied Wagtail Illustration

    Pied Wagtail   The Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba yarrellii is a common garden and urban bird here in Wales.  I love the way they trot about, wagging their elongate tail up and down and cocking their black-capped heads inquisitively to one side.  We have a regular garden visitor who spends a lot of time scampering from […] Read more

    Step by step Great Willowherb

    One of the botanical illustrations I was recently commissioned to complete for the Field Studies Council is the Great willowherb, Epilobium hirstutum. This will feature in an upcoming leaflet on Wayside wild flowers. Here is an explanation of the steps involved in creating a botanically accurate illustration which is also visually appealing.  It needs to allow a novice to identify […] Read more

    Lizzie Harper