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    Butterflies of Bentham Sand dunes

    Several butterflies are included in the recent landscape illustration completed for South Devon Area of Natural Beauty.  This blog will discuss each species, and links to my earlier blog on the wildlife and plants of Bentham bay sand dunes. Clouded Yellow The Clouded Yellow, Colias croceus, travels to Britain every year from southern Europe and Africa.  […] Read more

    Illustrating the Amazing Blue Butterfly

    Scientific illustration involves learning about your subjects, as well as illustrating them.  I’ve always been amazed by  blue butterflies (family Lycaenidae). I love their vivid hues and  their fascinating life-cycles.  Their interactions with ants amaze me. Blue butterflies Most of the information in this blog comes from the website of Butterfly Conservation.  This charity is concerned with recording […] Read more

    Lizzie Harper