Yellow Flag Iris pseudoacorus
Yellow Flag Iris pseudoacorus in flower

Yellow Flag Iris pseudoacorus pencil
Yellow Flag Iris pseudoacorus in flower, pencil drawing

Wood sedge Carex sylvatica
Wood sedge Carex sylvatica with fruit, female glume, and ligule details

Willow Salix
Willow Salix sprig with catkin

Tufted hair grass Deschampsia caespitosa
Tufted hair grass Deschampsia caespitosa with ligule, spikelet, lemma, and leaf cross section showing how each blade is rolled up

Water Plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica
Water Plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica flowering and showing both leaf types. Pencil

True fox sedge Carex vulpina
True fox sedge Carex vulpina tussock

Three leaved rush Juncus trifidus
Three leaved rush Juncus trifidus and habit sketch and fruit detail

Stiff sedge Carex biglowii
Stiff sedge Carex biglowii with rhizome and vegetative tufts, two stigmasm ligule, fruit and glume

Star sedge Carex echinata
Star sedge Carex echinata plant with two stigmas, ligule, fruit, female glume and leaf tip

Sharp Flowered Rush Juncus acutiflorus
Sharp Flowered Rush Juncus acutiflorus with fruit and cross section of stem to show pith detail

Royal fern Osmunda regalis
Royal fern Osmunda regalis with both frond types

Remote sedge Carex remota
Remote sedge Carex remota plant with ligule and glume and fruit detail

Red currant Ribes rubrum
Red currant Ribes rubrum showing the shiny red currants and birght green leaves and flowers

Ragged robin Lychnis flos cuculi
Ragged robin Lychnis flos cuculi with flowers, buds and leaves

Pendulous sedge Carex pendulosa
Pendulous sedge Carex pendulosa with ligule, stigmas, and fruit

Soft bog moss Sphagnum tenellum
Soft bog moss Sphagnum tenellum a clump of this tiny delicate yellow moss and details of a shoot tip, one leaf, one shoot, and a few shoots together

Pointed Spear moss Calliergonella cuspidata
Pointed Spear moss Calliergonella cuspidata ruft, individual shoot, stem leaf and shoot tip leaf

Hooked Scorpion moss Scorpidium scorpioides
Hooked Scorpion moss Scorpidium scorpioides tuft with detail of one fascicle and of a leaf

Common haircap moss Polytrichum commune
Common haircap moss Polytrichum commune tuft of moss with detail of wet and dry moss fascicle, individual leaf, immatire capsule with calyptra and a wet mature spore capsule held horizontally

Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria 2
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria flowers and one leaflet

Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria Pencil
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria pencil drawing

Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria in flower

Meadow rue Thalictrum flavum
Meadow rue Thalictrum flavum showing flowering head and leaves