Rat Rattus norvegicus
Rat Rattus norvegicus in profile looking inquisitive with one paw raised

Red deer Cervus elaphus
Red deer Cervus elaphus buck with antlers with inset of doe head, both in profile, cut to whtie

Red legged sun squirrel Heliosciurus rufobrachium
Red legged sun squirrel Heliosciurus rufobrachium pen and ink sketch in profile, holding a nut

Red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris
Red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris cut to white, sitting

Fallow deer Dama dama
Fallow deer Dama dama in deciduous woods. the mottled coat allows for camoflague in the dappled sun of the woodland.

Rothschild’s giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi
Rothschild’s giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi cut to white in profile looking a touch snooty

Sea otter Enhydra lutris
Sea otter Enhydra lutris floating in the sea on its back, holding a clam and favoured stone, and peering at the viewer

Sika deer Cervus nippon
Sika deer Cervus nippon buck showing mae and chestnut pelage with pale spots and large antlers. Cut to white

Spot nosed monkey Cercopithecus nictitans
Pen and ink illustration of the Spot nosed monkey Cercopithecus nictitans, seated with hands in front of it, gazing off into the distance

Stoat Mustela erminea
Stoat Mustela erminea in profile, running along the ground and inquisitively sniffing the air in frotn of it. Cut to whtie

Tiger Panthera tigris head
Tiger Panthera tigris portrait of a head sketch

Water shrew Neomys fodiens
Water shrew Neomys fodiens on a muddy bank with some vegetation, peering upward and showing its dark fur and feet clearly

Mink tracks Neovison vison
Pen and ink drawing of the footprints and tracks of the North American Mink Neovison vison

Mink Neovison vison
North American Mink Neovison vison lying down, in profile

Mole Talpa europaea
Mole Talpa europaea portrait in profile cut to white

Mountain hare Lepus timidus
Mountain hare Lepus timidus in winter white fur coat colours

Mouse eared bat Myotis myotis
Mouse eared bat Myotis myotis sketch in flight

Muntjac Muntiacus reevesi
Muntjac Muntiacus reevesi male in profile showing its tusks and rich brown fur

Natterer’s bat head Myotis nattereri
Portrait of a Natterer’s bat head Myotis nattereri

Oriental small clawed otter Aonyx cinerea
Oriental small clawed otter Aonyx cinerea standing erect and clasping onto a half eaten fish

Otter Lutra lutra
Otter Lutra lutra perched on a boulder with a fish it’s just caught, ferns mud and a little folaige behind

Pere David deer Elaphurus davidianus
Pere David deer Elaphurus davidianus

Pine marten Martes martes
Pine marten Martes martes

Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena
Quick watercolour sketch of the Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena cut to whtie