Guelder rose Viburnum opulus leaf and fruit
Guelder rose Viburnum opulus leaf and fruit showing shiny red berries

Rose Chafer Cetonia aurata
Rose chafer beetle, cut to white. Common iridescent garden visitor

Breast feather of Cockerel
Breast feather of Cockerel, showing orange colour and area of green glittering iridescence.

Holly Ilex aquifolium leaf
Holly Ilex aquifolium portriat of one leaf, with a focus on the prickles and shine

Earwig Forficula auricularia
Earwig Forficula auricularia quick sketch from above cut to white

Nautilus pompilius
Nautilus pompilius pen and ink stippled illustration

Sarep sprite Pseudagrion sarepi
Sarep sprite Pseudagrion sarepi male in side view cut to white

Emerald swallowtail Papilio Palinurus
Emerald swallowtail Papilio Palinurus cut to white showing irridescent green spots and black wings

Blue bottle fly Calliphora vomitoria
Blue bottle fly Calliphora vomitoria adult cut to whtie

Two spot Black ladybird Adalia 2-punctata
Two spot Black ladybird Adalia 2-punctata dorsal view, sketch, cut to whtie

Sinodendron cylindricum Rhinoceros beetle
Sinodendron cylindricum Rhinoceros beetle showing texture and rough elytra, cut to white, dorsal view

Heterorrhina elegans flower chafer beetle
Heterorrhina elegans flower chafer beetle dorsal view showing incredibly shiny bright green thorax and elytra

Rosemary beetle Chrysolina americana
Rosemary beetle Chrysolina americana

Dung beetle Geotrupes stercorarius
Dung beetle Geotrupes stercorarius view from above dosal view

Buprestid metallic wood boring beetle
Buprestid metallic wood boring beetle cut to whtie showing its extraordinary rainbow colouration

Tropical beetle ventral view
Tropical beetle ventral view showing large hind legs and metallic red and green colouration

Shining cranesbill Geranium lucidum
Shining cranesbill Geranium lucidum with scarlet leaves, flowers, and seedheds

Red currant Ribes rubrum
Red currant Ribes rubrum showing the shiny red currants and birght green leaves and flowers

Lesser celendine Ficaria verna
Lesser celendine Ficaria verna with yellow flowers and bulbous root appendages

Ivy leaf Hedera helix
Ivy leaf Hedera helix one lone leaf

Ivy Hedera helix
Ivy Hedera helix sprig and black berries

Holly Ilex aquifolium
Holly Ilex aquifolium leaves with a cluster of red berries at the centre

Crowberry Empetrum nigrum
Crowberry Empetrum nigrum in fruit with individual leaf, flower, and leaf cross section which shows the inrolled leaf margin

Creeping buttercup Ranunculus repens
Creeping buttercup Ranunculus repens with rooting nodes, flowers, fruit, and the leaves shown