Notes & Illustrations on Japanese beetle
Notes & illustrations on the Japanese beetle Popillia japonica study sheet showing life stages and damage

Study sheet on Japanese beetle Popillia japonica
Study sheet on Japanese beetle Popillia japonica showing adult, life cycle, and variety of damage caused by this pest

Adult Japanese beetle Popillia japonica
Adult Japanese beetle Popillia japonica with distinctive abdominal white tufts

Japanese beetle Popillia japonica adult and life stages
Japanese beetle Popillia japonica adult and life stages, with egg, grub or larva, and pupa

Anopheles gambiae African Malaria mosquito unfed female
Anopheles gambiae African Malaria mosquito unfed female, posing in typical diagonal position

Larva of Anopheles gambiae Malaria mosquito
Larva of Anopheles gambiae Malaria mosquito showing typical position, parallel to the water surface

Pupa of Anopheles mosquito
Pupa of Anopheles mosquito based on Anopheles gambiae at water surface

Feeding African Malaria Mosquito Anopheles gambiae
Feeding African Malaria Mosquito Anopheles gambiae showing stylets as she feeds, and swollen belly with tergites forced apart and excess liquid excreted during feeding

African Malaria Mosquito Life cycle Anopheles gambiae
African Malaria Mosquito Life cycle Anopheles gambiae

Wood ant nest
Wood ant nest. This nest belongs to the Southern red wood ant, Formica rufa. Wood ant nests do differ between species, although it can be hard to tell them apart.

Nest and budded smaller nest of wood ant
Nest and budded smaller nest of wood ant. This budding often happens with wood ant species.

Social parasitism Queen and worker ants
Social parasitism in ants. The queen of the Slave maker ant, Formica sanguinea, being tended to by workers of Dusky ant Formica fusca.

Worker ant Formica aquilonia Scottish wood ant
Worker ant F. aquilonia Scottish wood ant, in profile. Workers are all haplodiploid, sharing much of their genetic material with their mother, the queen. This supports their eusocial colonies.

Male wood ant Formica lugubis Hairy wood ant
Male wood ant F. lugubris Hairy wood ant. These males have dark bodies and yellow legs and genitals. Like the females, they have wings. Unlike the females, shortly after mating during the nuptial flight, they will die.

Queen ant Formica aquilonia Scottish wood ant
Queen ant F. aquilonia Scottish wood ant with wings. Newly emerged queens have wings, and following their mating and nuptial flight, they bite these off. This enables them to burrow underground and set up a new ant nest and colony, and to begin laying eggs and raising young.

Pupae and cocoon of wood ant and unsheathed pupae
Pupae of a wood ant, both within its cocoon, and extracted. Detail from a life cycle ant illustration by Lizzie Harper natural history and sciart illustrator

Larvae of wood ant
Larvae of wood ant showing their translucent bodies and segmentation.

Eggs of wood ant
Illustration of several eggs of a wood ant.

Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Oak apple galls formed by Cynips quercusfollii gall wasps on twigs of the English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur

Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis and Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis and Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur

Sand Dunes Landscape
Large landscape showing an idealised view of Bantham estate in Devon. It explains the process of succession and stabilization in a sand dunes landscape. Over 28 species of plant and 17 animals appear in this natural history illustration. These include adders to sand wasps, Comma butterflies to linnets, and marram grass to Sea carrots. Species […]

Mayfly Ephemera vulgata
Mayfly Ephemera vulgata adult side view showing wing venation with markings, green body, and lack of mouth parts Perched on a stem, cut to white

Large red damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula larva
Large red damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula larvae under water on stony substrate with caudal lamellae or tracheal gills clearly visible; water plants including crowfoot behind

Large red damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula entire life cycle
Large red damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula life cycle showing all the life stages against a blue wash backround with aquatic plants and pebbles and mud, adult, mating pait, egg laying, egg, larva, exuvia, emergent adult all shown, water lily on water surface