Portland spurge Euphorbia portlandica
Portland spurge Euphorbia portlandica with flower fruit seed and leaf underside
Lesser Hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis
Lesser Hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis with details of pappas types on two different achenes
Evening primrose Oenothera biennis
With stem detail showing swollen red bases of stem hairs
Round-headed Club-rush Scirpoides holoschoenus
With spikelet detail, showing how the upper leaf looks like a continuation of the stem
Sand hill Screwmoss Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis
Sand hill screwmoss Wet specimen showing green starry tips against bronze background
Dry specimen of Sand hill Screwmoss Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis
Dry specimen showing how incurled the moss becomes when not wet
Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis Sand Hill Screwmoss details
Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis fascicle and leaf with hyaline tip
Western eyebright Euphrasia tetraquetra
Western eyebright Euphrasia tetraquetra with leaf & flower detail
Sharp rush Juncus acutus
Sharp rush Juncus acutus with nutlet and inflorescence
Bog pimpernel Anagallis tenella
Bog pimpernel Anagallis tenella showing sprawling habit
Sea stock Matthiola sinuata
Showing seed, pale pink flowers, woolly blue leaves and a seed
Sand pansy Viola tricolor ssp. curtisii
Showing yellow and cream colouration and sprawling, tufted habit
Rough bent Agrostis scabra
Rough bent grass Agrostis scabra with details of spikelet and ligule
Little Bluestem grass Schizachryium scoparium
Little Bluestem grass Schizachryium scoparium including roots
Tawny owl Strix aluco
Tawny owl Strix aluco sat on a branch, showing mottled plumage and large eyes.
Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca
Male Pied flycatcher in amongst leaves of the English oak Quercus robur
Ideal Garden: a garden for nature and the environment
Ideal garden full of things you can do to encourage nature and promote soil health in your garden For more please check out my blog, and the associated blog on how NOT to have an ideal garden.
Carbon cycle based around a tree, fully annotated
Illustration showing annotated carbon cycle including images of leaf litter detritovores, soil micro-organisms, root tips, and the importance of respiration and photosynthesis For more on this illustration, check out my blog
Carbon cycle centred around a tree
Illustration of the Carbon cycle, with all the elements and chemicals involved in the cycle (but omitting arrows and english text). For more on this illustration, check out my blog
Carbon cycle: Beech tree with roots, leaf litter, and fungal hyphae
Used as the basis for a diagram showing the Carbon cycle. For more on this illustration, check out my blog
Root Tip Diagram
Root Tip Diagram showing root cap cells and root hairs for absorption and surrounding soil particles
Soil microorganisms
Soil microorganisms virus algae bacteria fungus nematode illustrated in a colourful idealised way
Black Oil beetle Meloe proscarabaeus
Black oil beetle Meloe proscarabaeus showing distinctive abdominal shape and antennae.
Wasps and bees hibernating in cracks in an old wall
Wasps and bees hibernating in cracks in an old wall, showing common UK bee and social wasp species in the mortar of a church wall