original art
Thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus
Red huckleberry Vaccinium parvifolium
Broken-belted bumblebee Bombus soroeensis
Small tortoiseshell butterfly Aglais urticae
Alder sprig with leaves and cones – SOLD –
Broken-belted bumble bee Bombus soroeensis 2
Field fleawort Tephroseris intergrifolia
Early gentian Gentianella amarella subsp anglica
Bastard-toadflax Thesium humifusum
Blunt-fruited water-starwort Callitriche obtusangula
Juniper sprig Juniperus communis – SOLD –
Shepherd’s needle or Venus’s comb Scandix pecten-veneris
Stream water-crowfoot
Prickly poppy Papaver argemone
Sharp rush Juncus acutus
Sand pansy 2 Viola tricolor ssp curtisi
Cornflower with Red-tailed Bumblebee
Bittern Botaurus stellaris – SOLD –
Garden scene
Swift Apus apus visiting its nest in the eaves
House martin Delichon urbicum
Swift Apus apus and House martin Delichon urbicum in flight
Sessile Oak tree Quercus petraea
Aspen tree Populus tremula