Portland spurge Euphorbia portlandica
Portland spurge Euphorbia portlandica with flower fruit seed and leaf underside
Lesser Hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis
Lesser Hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis with details of pappas types on two different achenes
Evening primrose Oenothera biennis
With stem detail showing swollen red bases of stem hairs
Round-headed Club-rush Scirpoides holoschoenus
With spikelet detail, showing how the upper leaf looks like a continuation of the stem
Sand hill Screwmoss Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis
Sand hill screwmoss Wet specimen showing green starry tips against bronze background
Dry specimen of Sand hill Screwmoss Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis
Dry specimen showing how incurled the moss becomes when not wet
Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis Sand Hill Screwmoss details
Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis fascicle and leaf with hyaline tip
Western eyebright Euphrasia tetraquetra
Western eyebright Euphrasia tetraquetra with leaf & flower detail
Sharp rush Juncus acutus
Sharp rush Juncus acutus with nutlet and inflorescence
Bog pimpernel Anagallis tenella
Bog pimpernel Anagallis tenella showing sprawling habit
Sea stock Matthiola sinuata
Showing seed, pale pink flowers, woolly blue leaves and a seed
Sand pansy Viola tricolor ssp. curtisii
Showing yellow and cream colouration and sprawling, tufted habit
Honeysuckle berries 2 Lonicera pericylmenum
Honeysuckle berries Lonicera pericylmenum with leaves and showing these bright, shiny berries.
Rocky shore line ecosystem zonation of species
Rocky shore line ecosystem zonation of species. Some of the animals and pants featured include whelks, mussels, bladderwrack, star fish, top shells, periwinkles, crabs, branacles, and anenomes. Illustration from The Hidden Universe: Adventures in Biodiversity by Alexandre Antonelli
Alexanders Smyrnium olusatrum
Alexanders Smyrnium olusatrum with Puccinia smyrnii rust on some leaves, and detail of one flower and one seed.
Yellow horned-poppy Galucium flavum
Yellow horned-poppy Galucium flavum with seed pod
Thrift Armeria maritima
Thrift Armeria maritima with individual flower detail
Spring squill Scilla verna
Spring squill Scilla verna botanical illustration by Lizzie Harper showing large bulb
Sheeps bit Jasione montana
Sheeps bit Jasione montana showing plant and individual flower
Sea wormwood Artemesia maritima
Sea wormwood Artemesia maritima with outline showing shape of one lower leaf and flowering spike
Sea Sandwort Honckenya peploides
Sea Sandwort Honckenya peploides showing distinctive stacked leaves and individual flower
Sea rocket Cakile maritima
Sea rocket Cakile maritima with detail of cross section through seed pod
Sea radish Raphanus raphanistrum maritimus
Sea radish Raphanus raphanistrum maritimus with detail of one leaflet and constricted seed pod
Sea plantain Plantago maritima
Sea plantain Plantago maritima