Vivaparous grass Festuca vivipara
Vivaparous grass Festuca vivipara

Mat grass Nardus scticta
Mat grass Nardus scticta tuft with residual basal growth and detail of individual lemma

Larch Larix decidua
Larch Larix decidua sprig with mature cone and young flower detail

Hares tail Cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum
Hares tail Cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum with cross section of stem and lead along with several flowering spikes details

Grey willow Salix cinerea
Grey willow Salix cinerea with make and female catkins along with a spray of leaves, one showing its underside

Dioecious sedge Carex dioica
Dioecious sedge Carex dioica with stem cross section, fruit, two stigmas, female glume, male glume, ligule and individual leaf along with rhizome information

Crack willow Salix fragilis
Crack willow Salix fragilis tree shape without leaves and individual sprig of leaves and flowering catkin

Carnation sedge carex panicea
Carnation sedge carex panicea whole plant with details on murcinate leaf apex, glume, fruit, ligule, cross section, three stigma fruit and stem cross section

Cornflower Centaura cyanus sketchbook study
Sketchbook study of the Cornflower Centaura cyanus showing its rich blue colour and details of individual florets as well as of the thin leaves and flowering head, some details in colour and some in tonal pencil