Himalayan Blackberry Rubus armeniacus
Himalayan Blackberry Rubus armeniacus. Sketchbook illustration shows flower, flower cross section, leaf shape and underside, stem, seed, early fruit and seed detail
Lesser Periwinkle Vinca minor compared to Greater Periwinkle Vinca major
Lesser Periwinkle Vinca minor compared to Greater Periwinkle Vinca major. Sketchbook study sheet shows details of flowers, leaves, leaf venation, a habit sketch, and cross sections of the periwinkle flowers.
Common Blue sow-thistle Cicerbita macrophylla compared to Alpine Sow-thistle Cicerbita alpina
Common Blue-sow thistle Cicerbita macrophylla sketchbook page compared to Alpine Sow-thistle Cicerbita alpina. Details of leaf venation, habit sketch, individual ray florets, seed information, and associated comparative details of the Alpine Sow-thistle
Bird’s foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus 2
Bird’s foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus with seed pod and individual flower and calyx
Virginia spiderwort Tradescantia virginiana
Virginia spiderwort Tradescantia virginiana sketchbook study
Tupelo Nyssa ogeche
Tupelo Nyssa ogeche with single flower botanical illustration
Yarrow Achillea millefolium sketchbook study
Yarrow Achillea millefolium sketchbook study with flower and leaf in coolour
Pond in a water meadow landscape with plants and animals
Woodstock water meadow view with wildlife pond in foreground; seen with otter, kingfisher, and Peacock butterfly
Wood sorrel Oxalis acetosela pen and ink
Wood sorrel Oxalis acetosela pen and ink illustration
Wood sage Teucrium scorodonia
Wood sage Teucrium scorodonia botanical illustration
Wintercress Barbarea vulgaris
Wintercress pen and ink line drawing with detail of an individual flower
Winter purslane Claytonia perfoliata
Winter purslane Claytonia perfoliata pen and ink illustration
Wild marjoram Origanum vulgare
Wild marjoram Origanum vulgare pen and ink botanical illustration
Sloe Prunus spinosa sketchbook study
Sloe Prunus spinosa sketchbook study including stuck in leaf and studies of fruit and blossom
Shaggy Ink cap Coprinus comatus pen and ink
Shaggy Ink cap Coprinus comatus pen and ink botanical illustration
Serviceberry Amelanchier arborea sketchbook study
Serviceberry Amelanchier arborea sketchbook study with an autumn coloured leaf and individual flower
Sea beet Beta maritima
Sea beet Beta maritima pen and ink botanical illustration
Rowan Sorbus aucuparia pen and ink
Rowan or Mountain ash Sorbus aucuparia pen and ink botanical illustration
Rowan Sorbus aucuparia 2
Rowan or Mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia sketchbook study
Rough meadow grass Poa trivialis
Rough meadow grass Poa trivialis botanical illustration
Rough hawkbit Leontodon hispidus
Botanical illustration of Rough hawkbit Leontodon hispidus
Rosebay willowherb Epilobium angustifolium
Rosebay willowherb Epilobium or Chamaenerion angustifolium
Rock cinquefoil Potentilla rupestris
Rock cinquefoil Potentilla rupestris showing the flowers above a basal rosette of leaflets
Winter jasmine Jasminum nudiflorum sketchbook study
winter jasmine Jasminum nudiflorum sketchbook study