Elasmobranch (Rays, Dogfish and Sharks) egg case variety
Elasmobranch (Rays, Dogfish, skates and Sharks) egg case variety
Electroreception in the Hammerhead Sphyrnidae shark diagram
Electroreception in the Hammerhead Sphyrnidae shark diagram with inset of ampullae of Lorensini and hidden prey
European bullhead Cottus gobio
European bullhead Cottus gobio with background
European Rockpool diagram
European Rockpool diagram showing lots of shoreline crustaceans, bivalves, anenomes, and gastropods, sea weeds, and background
Fish anatomy diagram
Fish anatomy diagram simplified exterior and interior cross section view
Fish scale annuli used to age a fish
Fish scales used to age a fish with zoom in annuli of fish scales
Fishing net pinger deterring dolphins (but not fish)
Fishing net pingers shown on nets in the sea deterring dolphins (but not fish)
Grayling Thymallus thymallus
Grayling Thymallus thymallus
Northern pike Esox lucius with background
Northern pike Esox lucius lurking with background of weeds
Nurse shark Ginglymostoma cirratum
Nurse shark Ginglymostoma cirratum
Food chain
Foodchain consisting of a tuft of grass, a rabbit, and a predator fox