Juniper Juniperus communis
Juniper Juniperus communis with detail of male and female flowers

Scots pine Pinus sylvestris cone and needles
Scots pine Pinus sylvestris cone and needles. Pen and ink illustration with top colour.

Mulberry Morus nigra ink & colour
Mulberry Morus nigra berries and leaf, colour on pen and ink drawing

Small-leaved Lime Tilia cordata sketch
Small-leaved or Small leaved Lime Tilia cordata sketchbook page

Silver birch Betula pendula sketch
Silver birch Betula pendula sketchbook page with a focus on the leaves

Pear sprig Pyrus communis
Pear sprig with blossom, leaves and fruit Pyrus communis

Oak sudden death Phytophthora ramorum fungi
Oak sudden death Phytophthora ramorum fungi and algae pest on Oak tree Quercus

Oak spangle and silk button galls
Oak spangle galls from wasp Tilia platyphyllos and Silk button galls from wasp Neuroterus numismalis on Oak leaf Quercus robu

Oak Quercus robur sketchbook page
Oak Quercus robur sketchbook page including flowers and young leaves

Magnolia sprig Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia sprig Magnolia grandiflora in flower with leaves not yet out

Sea Buck-thorn Hippophae rhamnoides
Sea Buck-thorn Hippophae rhamnoides shrub pen and ink with colour wash

Sea Buckthorn shrub Hippophae rhamnoides
Sea Buckthorn shrub Hippophae rhamnoides. Pen and ink illustration shows elongate leaves, low shrubby growth habit, and berries.

Lilac Syringa vulgaris tree
Lilac Syringa vulgaris tree pen and ink. Illustration shows the tree in full bloom.

Lilac tree Syringa vulgaris
Lilac Syringa vulgaris tree pen and ink. Illustration shows the tree in full bloom.

Magnolia tree Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia tree Magnolia grandiflora tree pen and ink with colour wash. Illustration shows the tree in flower, before the leaves appear.

Magnolia tree Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia Magnolifia gradiflora tree, showing the tree in full flower, before the leaves appear.

Guelder rose shrub Viburnum opulus
Guelder rose shrub Viburnum opulus pen and ink with watercolour wash. Illustration shows the shrub in bloom.

Guelder rose tree Viburnum opulus
Guelder rose tree Viburnum opulus. Illustration shows the shrub in blossom.

Medlar tree Mespilus germanica tree
Medlar Mespilus germanica tree pen and ink with colour wash. Illustration shows tree with fruit.

Medlar tree Mespilus germanica tree
Medlar Mespilus germanica tree pen and ink. Illustration shows tree in fruit

Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina
Staghorn sumac Rhus typhina tree pen and ink with colour wash

Staghorn Sumac tree Rhus typhina
Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina tree, with pinnate leaves and furry fruit pen and ink botanical illustration.

Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana
Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana in bloom in winter. Illustration shows snow on the ground, and twigs visible.

Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana
Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana in bloom in winter. Illustration shows snow on the ground, and twigs visible.