Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria Pencil
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria pencil drawing
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria 2
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria flowers and one leaflet
Meloncholy thistle Cirsium heterophyllum
Meloncholy thistle Cirsium heterophyllum
Common haircap moss Polytrichum commune
Common haircap moss Polytrichum commune tuft of moss with detail of wet and dry moss fascicle, individual leaf, immatire capsule with calyptra and a wet mature spore capsule held horizontally
Cypress leaved Plait moss Hypnum cupressiforme
Cypress leaved Plait moss Hypnum cupressiforme with detail of one leaf, the spore capsule, and a fascicle
Grimmia pulvinata and Tortula muralis moss
Grimmia pulvinata and Tortula muralis moss growing on stone, both bearing spores. Details of individual spore capsules and individual leaves included
Heath Plait moss Hypnum jutlandicum
Heath Plait moss Hypnum jutlandicum tuft of moss and details of an individual fascicle and one leaf
Meadow rue Thalictrum flavum pencil
Meadow rue Thalictrum flavum pencil drawing
Marsh Thistle Cirsium palustre
Marsh Thistle Cirsium palustre with basal rosette of leaves and erect stem with tight cluster of thistle flowers
Marsh stitchwort Stellaria palustris
Marsh stitchwort Stellaria palustris
Marsh helleborine Epipactis palustris
Marsh helleborine Epipactis palustris growing in grass
Marsh hawksbeard Crepis paludosa
Marsh hawksbeard Crepis paludosa with black glands on the clayx clear and dentate leaves amplexicaul to the stem
Long stalked yellow sedge Carex lepidocarpa
Long stalked yellow sedge Carex lepidocarpa with flower and fruit and individual details of two stigma, ligule, fruit, and glume
Lawson’s Cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Lawson’s Cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana pen and ink drawing of a mature tree
Intermediate Hook moss Scorpidium cossonii
Intermediate Hook moss Scorpidium cossonii with individual fascicle and one leaf
Herb paris Paris quadrifolia
Herb paris Paris quadrifolia with fruit emerging from four leaves
Hard Rush Juncus inflexus
Hard Rush Juncus inflexus in flower with detail of individual fruit and cross section of pith in the stem
Hares tail Cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum
Hares tail Cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum with cross section of stem and lead along with several flowering spikes details
Heath rush Juncus squarrosus
Heath rush Juncus squarrosus with detail of fruit and on cross section of a leaf
Hairy wood rush Luzula pilosa
Hairy wood rush Luzula pilosa showing leaf tips and hairs as well as roots and individual fruit
Grey willow Salix cinerea
Grey willow Salix cinerea with make and female catkins along with a spray of leaves, one showing its underside
Greater wood rush Luzula sylvatica
Greater wood rush Luzula sylvatica in full flower with individual detail on one seed. Hairs shown clearly on leaves
Greater tussock sedge Carex paniculata
Greater tussock sedge Carex paniculata individual platn and large tussock of the plant along with ligule, stem cross section and glume detail. In flower
Great fen sedge Cladium mariscum
Great fen sedge Cladium mariscum plant, fruit, flowers, rhizome and roots, and details of the spikelet, stem, fruit and detail of the folded leaf