Dwarf Pine subspecies cone comparison of Pinus mugo uncinata Pinus mugo rotundata and Pinus mugo mugo
Dwarf Pine subspecies cone and individual cone scale tip comparison. Species compared are Pinus mugo uncinata, Pinus mugo rotundata, and Pinus mugo mugo

Dwarf Mountain Pine Pinus mugo sketchbook study sheet
Dwarf Mountain Pine Pinus mugo sketchbook study sheet. Illustration shows female and male flowers, immature and mature cones, the bark of the tree, and details of the pine needles and bud.

Rum or Black Cherry Prunus serotina sketchbook study
Rum or Black Cherry Prunus serotina sketchbook study. The page includes two bark studies (from an old and young tree), the habit of tree, and berry details. The bud, individual flower, blossoming raceme, vein detail and petiole gland details are also depicted.

Himalayan Blackberry Rubus armeniacus
Himalayan Blackberry Rubus armeniacus. Sketchbook illustration shows flower, flower cross section, leaf shape and underside, stem, seed, early fruit and seed detail

Lesser Periwinkle Vinca minor compared to Greater Periwinkle Vinca major
Lesser Periwinkle Vinca minor compared to Greater Periwinkle Vinca major. Sketchbook study sheet shows details of flowers, leaves, leaf venation, a habit sketch, and cross sections of the periwinkle flowers.

Common Blue sow-thistle Cicerbita macrophylla compared to Alpine Sow-thistle Cicerbita alpina
Common Blue-sow thistle Cicerbita macrophylla sketchbook page compared to Alpine Sow-thistle Cicerbita alpina. Details of leaf venation, habit sketch, individual ray florets, seed information, and associated comparative details of the Alpine Sow-thistle

Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica in winter
Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica stand in winter showing bamboo-like canes

Giant Hogweed Heracelum mantegazianum sketchbook studies
Giant Hogweed Heracelum mantegazianum sketchbook studies showing detail of leaves, stem, and seeds.

Canadian Goldenrod Solidago canadensis sketchbook study
Canadian Goldenrod Solidago canadensis sketchbook study page with comparisons to Solidago gigantea

Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima sketchbook study page
Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima sketchbook study page and habit sketch

Small Balsam Impatiens parviflora sketchbook study
Small Balsam Impatiens parviflora sketchbook study showing cross section of flower and details of seeds and exploded seed case.

Garden lupin Lupinus regalis habit
Garden lupin Lupinus regalis habit showing a red and yellow variety

Blue bonnet Lupin Lupinus polyphyllus sketchbook study
Blue bonnet Lupin Lupinus polyphyllus sketchbook study page. Includes information on habit, cross section of flower, seed pods, and leaf venation.

Persian Hogweed and Giant Hogweed comparison
Persian Hogweed Heracelum persicum and Giant Hogweed Heracelum mantegazzianum comparison with info on flower shape, umbel shape, and leaf differences

Milkweed Asclepias syriaca sketchbook study
Milkweed Asclepias syriaca sketchbook study page with written notes and info on seed pods, flowers, roots, and seeds

Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima habit
Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima habit drawing showing mature tree in flower

Small Balsam Impatiens parviflora habit
Small Balsam Impatiens parviflora habit drawing of a clump of plants

Persian Hogweed Heracleum persicum habit
Persian Hogweed Heracleum persicum in flower showing habit and growth form

Milkweed Asclepias syriaca habit
Milkweed Asclepias syriaca habit drawing showing two plants in flower

Lupin Lupinus polyphyllus habit
Lupin Lupinus polyphyllus habit drawing showing palmate leaves and flower spikes

Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica habit
Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica habit drawing showing thicket of the plant

Japanese Hop Humulus japonica habit
Japanese Hop Humulus japonica habit drawing showing how the plant climbs and spreads

Himalayan balsam Impatiens glandulifera habit
Himalayan balsam Impatiens glandulifera habit drawing showing entire plant

Canada Goldenrod Solidago canadensis habit
Canadian Goldenrod Solidago canadensis habit drawing showing entire plant