Holly Parachute fungus Marasmius hudsonii
Holly Parachute fungus Marasmius hudsonii. Illustration shows this tiny delicate fungus growing on dead and damp Holly leaves.Holly Ilex aquaifolium
Holly Ilex aquaifolium leaves and shiny red berriesHolly Ilex aquifolium tree
Holly tree showing distinctive spiky leaves and growth formSea holly Eryngium maritimum
Sea holly Eryngium maritimum with single bract and seedWildflower border
Wildflower border roughly following seasonal growth with hellebore, anenome, bluebell and daffodil showing spring; winter aconite, witch hazel, and snowdrops for winter; scabious, foxglove, dog rose, knapweed, poppy, terasel, fringed waterlily and a painted butterfly for summer; mistletoe, Ivy with a spider, violets, holly, primrose, and a hoverfly also make an appearanceHedge laying
Steps involved in establishing or laying a new hedge showing digging a trench for compost, planting the hedge plants, pruning them, and keeping the hedge straightHedge shapes
Different shapes you can trim your hedge into including boxy, sloped, and rounded