Giant Hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum
Giant Hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum showing red spotted stems and variable leaf shape
Daisy Bellis perennis
Daisy Bellis perennis pen and ink illustration with details of the ray and disc florets
Yellow Flag Iris pseudoacorus
Yellow Flag Iris pseudoacorus in flower
Yellow Flag Iris pseudoacorus pencil
Yellow Flag Iris pseudoacorus in flower, pencil drawing
Yam with plant attached
Wood anenome Anemone nemorosa
Wood anenome Anemone nemorosa lone flower with dark green leaf
Wild Strawberry Fragaria vesca
Wild Strawberry Fragaria vesca in flower with ripe fruit
Wood anenome Anemone nemorosa pencil
Wood anenome Anemone nemorosa pencil drawing
White clover Trifolium repens
White clover Trifolium repens showing rooting nodes and pale chevrons on the leaves
Water dock Rumex hydrolapathum
Water dock Rumex hydrolapathum pencil drawing
Tormentil Potentilla erecta
Tormentil Potentilla erecta plant showing both shapes of leaves
Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum and Hornworm Manduca sexta
Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum plant in flower showing limited caterpillar damage and Hornworm Manduca sexta on leaf, cut to white, and egg, pupa, and adult Carolina sphinx moth
Sweet woodruff Asperula odorata
Sweet woodruff Asperula odorata with cross section of stem and seeds and flowers on the plant
Potato Solanum tuberosum vs Sweet potato pomoea batatas tuber diagram
Potato Solanum tuberosum vs Sweet potato pomoea batatas tuber diagram
Soybean Glycine max
Soybean Glycine max with pods and one flower
Salad burnett Sanguisorba minor
Salad burnett Sanguisorba minor with detail of individual male and female flowers
Shining cranesbill Geranium lucidum
Shining cranesbill Geranium lucidum with scarlet leaves, flowers, and seedheds
Ragged robin Lychnis flos cuculi
Ragged robin Lychnis flos cuculi with flowers, buds and leaves
Potato Solanum tuberosum
Potato Solanum tuberosum in flower with potato tubers amongst the roots
Potato Solanum tuberosum with Colorado beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Potato Solanum tuberosum in flower with badly damaged leaves with Colorado beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata on the leaf and also cut to white beetle. Egg, larva, and pupa
Meadow rue Thalictrum flavum
Meadow rue Thalictrum flavum showing flowering head and leaves
Meadow rue Thalictrum flavum pencil
Meadow rue Thalictrum flavum pencil drawing
Lesser spearwort Ranunculus flammula
Lesser spearwort Ranunculus flammula with flowers and buds
Lesser spearwort Ranunculus flammula with background
Lesser spearwort Ranunculus flammula plant growing from grass