Lesser Hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis
Lesser Hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis with details of pappas types on two different achenes

Orange Hawkbit Fox and Cubs Pilosella aurantiaca
Fox and Cubs showing stolon and basal rosette of hairy leaves, along with distinctive orange and yellow flowers

Rough hawkbit Leontodon hispidus
Botanical illustration of Rough hawkbit Leontodon hispidus

Grassland landscape showing associated species and best practice management
Landscape of fields speckled with buttercups and grazing herds of sheep and cows, in the foreground there are shrubs then wild flower patches which provide cover for grey partridge, gatekeeper burtterflies, seven spot burnet moth, adonis blue butterfly, green woodpecker, hoverfly, bees, tiger beetle, and oil beetle on bare soil. WIld flowers shown include meadow […]

Brownfield site landscape with best practice management advice
Landscape showing a brown field industrial site with factories and refineries in the distance, and an area of spoil and trah behind along with fly tipped wheels and bikes, flush next to a railway grown with buddejas; in the forground there are jackdaw and redstart, wild flowers and a small pool, and ltos of opportunist […]