Harebell Campanula rotundifolia
Harebell illustration, slightly idealised and with extra blooms, completed for a packaging job.Wildflower border
Wildflower border roughly following seasonal growth with hellebore, anenome, bluebell and daffodil showing spring; winter aconite, witch hazel, and snowdrops for winter; scabious, foxglove, dog rose, knapweed, poppy, terasel, fringed waterlily and a painted butterfly for summer; mistletoe, Ivy with a spider, violets, holly, primrose, and a hoverfly also make an appearanceVascular vs non vasular plants diagram
Vascular vs non vasular plants diagram including information on the cross section of a flower and a detail of a moss sporophyte and gametophyte and cross sections on a cellular level of a moss and a harebell stemMeadow with butterflies
Landscape showing distant valley with meadow land near to, wild flowers in the foreground include birds foot trefoil, harebell, tormentil, black knapweed and grasses; male and female blue butterflies rest and flutter around these flowers