Oak tree Quercus robur
Oak tree Quercus robur in full leaf. Illustration from The Hidden Universe: Adventures in Biodiversity by Alexandre Antonelli

Lime leaf nail galls Lime Tilia europaea
Lime leaf nail galls Lime Tilia europaea caused by the mite Eriophyes tiliae

Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur. Illustrations shows mature gall, formed from acorn embryonic tissue thanks to the gall wasp

Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis and Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis and Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur

Terebinth Pistacia palastina spray
Terebinth Pistacia palastina spray with leaves and flowers on branch

Terebinth Pistacia palastina tree
Terebinth Pistacia palastina tree showing habit and growth form

Fig Ficus carica fruit
Fruit of the fig tree and a half fig

Fig Ficus carica tree
Fig tree showing palmate leaves and growth form

Blackthorn or Sloe Prunus spinosa
Blackthorn or Sloe Prunus spinosa, one sprig in blossom and the other bearing fruit

Wych elm Ulmus glabra
Wych elm Ulmus glabra with fruit, flower, and leaves on twig

Oak bark Quercus robur
Oak bark Quercus robur study

Oak polypore fungus piptoporus quercinus
Oak polypore fungus piptoporus quercinus bracket fungus growing on the side of an oak tree

Oak Quercus robur
Oak Quercus robur pen and ink tree shape without leaves

Elm Ulmus minor
Elm Ulmus minor pen and ink shaded drawing of the tree shape without leaves

Blackthorn Prunus spinosa
Blackthorn Prunus spinosa with a sprig showing spine, leaf and fruit and the other sprig showing blossom

Oak woodland with lichens, moss, insects and birds
Oakland landscapw with details of mosses and lickesn and some insects that live in and on the oak trees including beetles and wasps; bird in the background include the nuthatch, pied flycatcher, warbler, and great tit