Potato Solanum tuberosum with tubers below soil
Potato Plant in flower with potatoes growing below the soil. Plant has grown from a chitted potato.
Potatoes in sack
Potatoes in sack shows a batch of newly dug potatoes in a hessian sack, with some rolling out.
Potato varieties
Potato varieries and one green potato about to sprout
Potato Solanum tuberosum sketchbook page
Sketchbook study of the Potato showing different varieties, flower colours, the fruit, and how to chit potatoes. With written notes.
Potato Food Products
Potato Food Products: Chips or French fries, sliced, boiled, baked potatoes, potato chips or crisps
Butterfly bush Buddleja davidii
Butterfly bush Buddleja davidii sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Fig Ficus carica fruit
Fruit of the fig tree and a half fig
Fig Ficus carica tree
Fig tree showing palmate leaves and growth form
Growing cucumbers 2
Cucumber plant drowing up a support showing tendrils, leaves, and young cucumber fruits and flowers alogn with companion planting of nasturtium
Building a raised bed 2
How to build a raised bed from planks showing attachments of horizontal planks to the vertical uprights, and how to secure the bed in the ground
Pricking out seedlings 2
Safely pricking out seedlings from a seed tray
Double digging 2
Diagram showing how to do double digging of a flower bed or vegetable plot
Yam with plant attached
Wild daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus
Wild daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus straight on and in side view
Sweetcorn Zea mays
Sweetcorn Zea mays plant
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis sprig
Purple Moor Grass Molinia caerulea
Purple Moor Grass Molinia caerulea
Rice Oryza sativa
Rice Oryza sativa plant
Phlox flowering head
Mountain pansy Viola lutea with landscape
Mountain pansy Viola lutea with a dales landscape behind
Mountain pansy Viola lutea
Mountain pansy Viola lutea with several flowers and showing the different leaf shapes
Cotton plant Gossypium plus weevil Anthonomus grandis
Cotton plant Gossypium in fruit and also showing the flower, bud, and leaves; plus weevil Anthonomus grandis both on the plant, cut to white, and as a detail in larval and pupal form within the flower bud
Barley Hordeum vulgare
Barley Hordeum vulgare with green and mature ripe seed head
Iris in gravel
Iris in gravel with blue petals