Reindeer lichen Cladonia rangiformis
Reindeer lichen Cladonia rangiformis showing spots of algae growing on the grey branches
Dry specimen of Sand hill Screwmoss Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis
Dry specimen showing how incurled the moss becomes when not wet
Sand hill Screwmoss Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis
Sand hill screwmoss Wet specimen showing green starry tips against bronze background
Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis Sand Hill Screwmoss details
Syntrichia ruraliformis ruraliformis fascicle and leaf with hyaline tip
Moonwort Botrychium lunaria
Moonwort Botrychium lunaria with sporangia, spore producing stems.
Fern spore Ophioglossum
Fern spore of an Ophioglossum species, showing the distinctive tri-partite shape and textured spore surface.
Adder’s-tongue fern Ophioglossum vulgatum
Adder’s-tongue fern Ophioglossum vulgatum showing spore bearing “tongue”
Habit sketch of Heath Star-moss
Habit sketch of Heath Star-moss Campylopus introflexus growing on limestone boulder.
Heath Star-moss Campylopus introflexus
Heath Star-moss Campylopus introflexus illustrations showing wet moss with white apical hairs.
Heath Star-moss study
Heath Star-moss study showing the moss in wet and dry states, and botanical details
Heath Star-moss study with notes
Heath Star-moss study with notes showing the moss in dry and wet form and with botanical details
Scaly male fern Dryopteris affinis
Scaly male fern Dryopteris affinis plant, individual frond, and spore detail
Royal fern Osmunda regalis
Royal fern Osmunda regalis with both frond types
Parsley fern Cryptogramma crispa
Parsley fern Cryptogramma crispa showing both forms of the frond
Woolly Fringe moss Racomitrium lanuginosum
Woolly Fringe moss Racomitrium lanuginosum tuft with one hairy shoot and one lone leaf
Yellow starry feather moss Campyllium stellatum
Yellow starry feather moss Campyllium stellatum with detail of one shoot and of one leaf with cells at the base and a stem leaf
Soft bog moss Sphagnum tenellum
Soft bog moss Sphagnum tenellum a clump of this tiny delicate yellow moss and details of a shoot tip, one leaf, one shoot, and a few shoots together
Rusty Hook moss Scorpidium revolvens
Rusty Hook moss Scorpidium revolvens tuft, individual shoot, and one recurved leaf
Red bog moss Sphagnum capillifolium ssp rubellum
Red bog moss Sphagnum capillifolium tuft, shoot, clump pf shoots, fasicle, stem leaf and branch leaf
Pointed Spear moss Calliergonella cuspidata
Pointed Spear moss Calliergonella cuspidata ruft, individual shoot, stem leaf and shoot tip leaf
Magellenic Bog moss Sphagnum magellicum
Magellenic Bog moss Sphagnum magellicum a tuft of this crimson moss then further details of one leaf and of several fascicles or shoots
Hooked Scorpion moss Scorpidium scorpioides
Hooked Scorpion moss Scorpidium scorpioides tuft with detail of one fascicle and of a leaf
Heath Plait moss Hypnum jutlandicum
Heath Plait moss Hypnum jutlandicum tuft of moss and details of an individual fascicle and one leaf
Grimmia pulvinata and Tortula muralis moss
Grimmia pulvinata and Tortula muralis moss growing on stone, both bearing spores. Details of individual spore capsules and individual leaves included