Dwarf serviceberry sketchbook study
Dwarf serviceberry sketchbook study with written notes and details of the berries and flowers

Potato Solanum tuberosum sketchbook page
Sketchbook study of the Potato showing different varieties, flower colours, the fruit, and how to chit potatoes. With written notes.

Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus
Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant

Lesser Periwinkle Vinca minor compared to Greater Periwinkle Vinca major
Lesser Periwinkle Vinca minor compared to Greater Periwinkle Vinca major. Sketchbook study sheet shows details of flowers, leaves, leaf venation, a habit sketch, and cross sections of the periwinkle flowers.

Common Blue sow-thistle Cicerbita macrophylla compared to Alpine Sow-thistle Cicerbita alpina
Common Blue-sow thistle Cicerbita macrophylla sketchbook page compared to Alpine Sow-thistle Cicerbita alpina. Details of leaf venation, habit sketch, individual ray florets, seed information, and associated comparative details of the Alpine Sow-thistle

Canadian Goldenrod Solidago canadensis sketchbook study
Canadian Goldenrod Solidago canadensis sketchbook study page with comparisons to Solidago gigantea

Blue bonnet Lupin Lupinus polyphyllus sketchbook study
Blue bonnet Lupin Lupinus polyphyllus sketchbook study page. Includes information on habit, cross section of flower, seed pods, and leaf venation.

Persian Hogweed Heracleum persicum sketchbook study
Persian Hogweed Heracleum persicum sketchbook study showing rounded curve of flowering head, and convex toothed leaf lobes.

Rose Rosa rugosa with rosehip sketchbook study
Rose Rosa rugosa ketchbook study with rosehips and habit sketch

Rose Rosa sketchbook study
Rose Rosa sketchbook study with focus on one central bloom

Raspberry Rubus idaeus sketchbook study
Raspberry Rubus idaeus sketchbook study witha focus on the berries

Hazel Corylus avellana sketchbook study
Hazel Corylus avellana sketchbook study with pencil and wash leaf as well as details of catkins, nuts and a leaf.

Dogwood Cornus kousa sketchbook study
Dogwood Cornus kousa sketchbook study including details of flower and fruit

Dog rose Rosa canina Sketchbook study
Dog rose Rosa canina Sketchbook study with details of rosehips and flowers

Cowslip Primula veris Sketchbook study sheet
Cowslip Primula veris with dissections of thrum and pin flowers and flowering raceme and leaf painted in full

Broom cystisus scoparius lena sketchbook study
Drawing of a broom plant with colour details of individual flowers, leaves, and a seed pod

Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris sketchbook study
Illustration of the Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris examing different anatomy and colour forms of the flowers along with the seed pods and soft green lobed leaves

Cow parsley Anthriscus sylvestis sketchbook study
Cow parsley illustration in pencil with details of stem, leaves and flowering head picked out in watercolour, and with a small view of the plant grwing at a distance, close up study of the individual flower and its anatomy

Himalayan balsam Impatiens glandulifera sketchbook style
Himalayan balsam Impatiens glandulifera study page with colour details of the red flushed stem, orchid like purple flowers, details of different colour forms, close up of the seed pod, wash on one green leaf, graphite or pencil tonal studies of another leaf, and details of the little red growths below where a leaf adheres to […]

Ivy studies hedera helix sketchbook
Sketchbook page of studies of the Ivy Hedera helix with one leaf in full colour detail, a berry, a flowering leaf, a seedhead, and some stem examinations in full colour. Lots of line drawings and tonal pencil studies of other parts of the plant such as the seeds and flowers, line drawings and habit sketches […]

Sweet pea Lathyrus odoratus sketchbook study
Sweet pea Lathyrus odoratus study of the dark purple form of the flower with pale green stem and associated tendrils, there are also some colour swatches and a study of the placement of the flower veins on the blossom

Fox and Cubs Fox and Cubs Pilosella aurantiaca sketchbook study
Fox and Cubs Pilosella aurantiaca sketchbook study showing individual ray florests and disc florets, detailed coloured study of leaf and hairy stem, pencil habit sketch, and other details of this compositae orange and gold flower

Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia study sheet
Black locust or False acacia Robinia pseudoacacia study sheet

Notes & illustrations of False acacia
Notes & illustration of False acacia or Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia with details of flower and pods