Spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta
Spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta with leg bone of giraffe

Apple with half apple Malus domestica
Apple with leaf attached to stalk. Another half apple sits in front of the main apple.

Scarlet macaw Ara macao
Scarlet macaw Ara macao pen and ink illustration with colour top wash. Illustration from “The Hidden Universe” by Alex Antonelli.

Rocky shore line ecosystem zonation of species
Rocky shore line ecosystem zonation of species. Some of the animals and pants featured include whelks, mussels, bladderwrack, star fish, top shells, periwinkles, crabs, branacles, and anenomes. Illustration from The Hidden Universe: Adventures in Biodiversity by Alexandre Antonelli

Oak tree Quercus robur
Oak tree Quercus robur in full leaf. Illustration from The Hidden Universe: Adventures in Biodiversity by Alexandre Antonelli

Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum
Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum with lots of berries on one sprig. Designed for packaging.

European lobster Homarus gammarus
European lobster Homarus gammarus Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books)

Common or Peleides blue morpho butterfly
Common or Peleides blue morpho butterfly Morpho peleides with colour top wash. Butterfly is on a leaf with magnified detail of the structure of the wing scales. These ridges cause iridescence. Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books).

Venus’s Flower basket with structural details
Venus’s Flower basket Euplectella aspergillum with inset showing the lattice work of structural details. Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books)

African Elephant head Loxodonta africana
African elephant head with trunk raised. (See also “Trunk cross section with African Elephant” for the accompanying illustration.) Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books).

Stenocara Fog or Handstand beetle
Stenocara Fog or Handstand beetle. Beetle is shown in its typical 45 degree position, facing incoming wind and fog to collect water vapour on the bumps of its elytra. Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books).

Mosquito mouthparts
Mosquito mouthparts diagram featuring an Anopholes female mosquito. These mouthparts allow the mosquito to break skin, and access blood without disturbing the host. Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books)

Tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini. These aquatic microscopic animals are almost bomb proof, and certainly are some of the toughest animals on planet Earth. Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books)

Blue mussels Mytilus edulis
Blue mussels Mytilus edulis with byssal threads on wooden piling. Illustration includes barnacles and limpets, and some bladder wrack seaweed. Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books).

Kingfisher Alcedo atthis – colour
Kingfisher Alcedo atthis, an animal used by humans for biomimicry. Illustration from the cover of “30 animals that made us smarter” by Partick Aryee. This illustration cannot be re-used in any other book titles.

Honey bee worker Apis mellifera
Honey bee worker Apis mellifera illustration from A Life on Our Planet by David Attenborough

Plum Prunus domesticus Pen and ink with colour
Plum Prunus prunus pen and ink illustration with watercolour wash. Showing details of half plum with stone, and white blossom on twig.

Blackberry sprig Rubus fruticosa
Sprig of blackberry or bramble plant showing blossom and fruit

Horse chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum conker
Horse chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum conker and spiked fruit

Cherry Prunus avium three fruit and leaves
Cherry fruit and toothed leaves

Baobab Adansonia grandidieri tree
Ancient baobab tree showing its distinctive shape

Cherry Prunus avium
Cherry Prunus avium pen and ink botanical illustration.

Crustaces family members
Pen and ink illustration showing the diversity of members in the Crustacea family

Edible crab Cancer pagurus
Edible crab Cancer pagurus pen and ink illustration with rich watercolour top wash, cut to white, stippled, view from above