Original Illustrations for sale
Unframed Original Sketchbook Studies
Signed unframed and unmounted illustrations.
Protected in cellophane but without mount or backing.
Sizes are approximate
Postage & packaging costs not included.
Email Lizzie on info@lizzieharper.co.uk to enquire further.
False acacia Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia Sketchbook study
Fanwort Cabomba caroliniana sketchbook study
Floating pennywort Hydrocotyle ranunculoides vs Marsh Pennywort
Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum
Fringed Water lily Nymphoides peltata
Garden Smartweed Himalayan Knotweed Sketchbook Study
Habit sketch of Cow Parsley
Heath Star-moss sketchbook study
Himalayan Blackberry Rubus armeniacus sketchbook study
Japanese beetle Popillia japonica study sheet
Japanese Quince
Lesser Periwinkle Vinca minor sketchbook leaf study with shape detail and vein detailing
New Zealand pigmyweed Crassula helmsii
Nuttall’s waterweed Elodea nuttallii sketchbook study
Oregon Grape
Parrot’s feather Myriophyllium aquaticum sketchbook study
Plum weevil Conotrachelus nenuphar Sketchbook study
Senecio inaequidens South African Ragwort Sketchbook study
Siberian Stonecrop Phedimus hybridus sketchbook study
Snow-in-Summer Cerastium tomentosum Sketchbook Study