Original Illustrations for sale
Unframed Original Plant Illustrations
Signed unframed and unmounted illustrations.
Protected in cellophane but without mount or backing.
Sizes are approximate
Postage & packaging costs not included.
Email Lizzie on info@lizzieharper.co.uk to enquire further.
Purple dewplant
Pussy willow sprig Salix caprea Goat willow
Quince Cydonia oblonga fruit
Quince Cydonia oblonga tree
Red Bartsia Odontites vernus
Red Campion and Orange-tip butterfly
Red huckleberry Vaccinium parvifolium
Red Rose
Reindeer lichen Cladonia rangiformis
Resurrection fern Pleopeltis or Polypodium polypodioides
Resurrection fern Polypodium polypodioides pen and ink
Ribwort plantain Plantago lanceolata
Rock cinquefoil
Rock stonecrop
Root tip diagram
Rough bent Agrostis scabra
Round-headed Club-rush Scirpoides holoschoenus
Round-leaved Sundew Drosera rotundifolia – SOLD –
Rush and Sedge flowers diagram – SOLD –
Rush Blunt flowered rush
Rush Hard rush
Rush Soft rush
Rush Three leaved rush
Sack of Potatoes