Invasive Plant Sketchbook Studies
For FOR SwedenFurther Invasive Plant Sketchbook Studies: Plants include Bridewort, Dwarf Serviceberry, Dwarf Japanese knotweed, and False acacia
https://for.se/hitta-de-invasiva-frammande-arterna/Invasive Insects Sketchbook Study Sheets
For FOR SwedenInvasive Insects Sketchbook Study Sheets botanical illustrations, notes, and entomological illustrations by Lizzie Harper. Pests featured are the Plum weevil, Japanese beetle, and Apple maggot fly, along with the Xylella fastidiosum bacterium
https://for.se/hitta-de-invasiva-frammande-arterna/Invasive Plant Sketchbook Studies
Completed for FOR Swedenhttps://for.se/invasiva-frammande-vaxter/vad-ar-en-invasiv-frammande-vaxt/Flora: Clover Illustrations
Clover illustrations used on margarine packagingUnilever’s Flora Margarine in Sweden re-branded using two botanical illustrations of red and white clover on their packaging. Products featuring the flowers range from margarine to vegetable-based cream alternatives. Sold by Unilever to a Scandinavial market
ICA Supermarkets: Tomatoes
ICA Supermarkets, Sweden. Bumble bee illustration on tomato packaging 2018ICA Supermarkets, Sweden. White-tailed Bumble bee Bombus leucorum illustration used on packaging for Amberly tomatoes, in the grocery section.