Polygala fruticosa sweet pea shrub Shetchbook study
Study of the Polygala fruticosa sweet pea shrub with full colour detail of two flowers from various angles and the simple leaves growing up the stem, pencil line drawing shows the rest of the plant shape and growth habit

Sweet pea Lathyrus odoratus sketchbook study
Sweet pea Lathyrus odoratus study of the dark purple form of the flower with pale green stem and associated tendrils, there are also some colour swatches and a study of the placement of the flower veins on the blossom

Oak Quercus robur sketchbooks study
English Oak Quercus robur sketchbook page with focus on the different colours of the leaves in spring and autumn, and detail of green and brown acorns

Fox and Cubs Fox and Cubs Pilosella aurantiaca sketchbook study
Fox and Cubs Pilosella aurantiaca sketchbook study showing individual ray florests and disc florets, detailed coloured study of leaf and hairy stem, pencil habit sketch, and other details of this compositae orange and gold flower