Brown sedge Carex disticha
Brown sedge Carex disticha with stem cross section and individual fruit detail

Broad leaved Cottongrass Eriophorum latifollium
Broad leaved Cottongrass Eriophorum latifollium with individual seed, murcinate leaf tip, stem cross section, and flowering spike

Bottle sedge Carex rostrata
Bottle sedge Carex rostrata showing flowers, fruits, ligule, seeds, and glumes as well as the pinkish basal area

Bog myrtle Myrica gale
Bog myrtle Myrica gale showing sprig of leaves, flowrs, and catkins

Blunt flowered rush Juncus subnodulosus
Blunt flowered rush Juncus subnodulosus showing lateral growth along a rhizome, rooting nodes, stem cross section showing hollows in the pith, and individual fruit detail

Black bog rush Schoenus nigricans
Black bog rush Schoenus nigricans showing individual flowering spike, stem cross section, and basal colour

Wet meadowland scene with butterflies
Distant landscape of hills and fiels with a tree in the midground, in the foreground butterflies such as the ringlet and meadow brown rest on orchids and buttercups

Wetland landscape with water rail and stream cross section
Wetland landscape with a water rail emerging from the fringing vegetation and a cross section of the stream shows fish, aquatic invertebrates, and a blue dragonfly; a frog rests below an orchid and pond skater sit on the water surface

Three stages of successionin a fen landscape
Three views of fenland with increasignly complex networks of inter dependent species, culminating in a rich landscape with wild flowers, a hobby hunting dragonfly, and heacy with insect life