Lilac Hedgerow encouraging wildlife
Hedgerows encourage birds, mammals, and insects and are easy to integrate into a garden. this Swedish garden scene shows this priniciple.

Wasps and bees hibernating in cracks in an old wall
Wasps and bees hibernating in cracks in an old wall, showing common UK bee and social wasp species in the mortar of a church wall

Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Oak apple galls formed by Cynips quercusfollii gall wasps on twigs of the English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur

Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur. Illustrations shows mature gall, formed from acorn embryonic tissue thanks to the gall wasp

Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis and Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis and Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur

Common Fig Ficus carica pen and ink with wash
Common Fig Ficus carica pen and ink illustration with watercolour wash, showing fig and half fig

Sabre wasp Rhyssa persuasoria
Sabre wasp Rhyssa persuasoria using her long ovipositor to lay an egg with her long terminal cerci pointing upwards

Sabre wasp Rhyssa persuasoria 2
Sabre wasp Rhyssa persuasoria using her long ovipositor to lay an egg with her long terminal cerci pointing upwards

Ivy studies hedera helix sketchbook
Sketchbook page of studies of the Ivy Hedera helix with one leaf in full colour detail, a berry, a flowering leaf, a seedhead, and some stem examinations in full colour. Lots of line drawings and tonal pencil studies of other parts of the plant such as the seeds and flowers, line drawings and habit sketches […]

Propegating fig
How to grow figs or propegate figs from an established plant by taking cuttings and potting them up

Oak woodland with lichens, moss, insects and birds
Oakland landscapw with details of mosses and lickesn and some insects that live in and on the oak trees including beetles and wasps; bird in the background include the nuthatch, pied flycatcher, warbler, and great tit