Crested Dog’s-tail grass Cynosurus cristatus with name
Crested Dog’s-tail grass Cynosurus cristatus with written name

Cock’s-foot grass Dactylis glomerata with written name
Cock’s-foot grass Dactylis glomerata with written name

Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus grass with written name
Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus grass with written name in hand painted watercolour text

Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus grass with annotations and name
Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus grass with annotations and name. Parts include culm, inforescence or panicle, leaf blade, nodes, and internode.

Named Grasses: False Oat, Crested Dogs-tail, Cocks-foot, and Yorkshire Fog
Named Grasses with annotation of grass anatomy: False Oat, Crested Dogs-tail, Cocks-foot, and Yorkshire Fog