Driver ant Dorylinae
Driver ant Dorylinae in balck and white, side view
Red ant Mymrica Rubra
Red ant Mymrica Rubra swift ink sketch with red wash and stippling
White tailed bumblebee Bombus lucorum life cycle
White tailed bumble bee Bombus lucorum life cycle showing adult feeding, underground nest, feeding on thistle, feeding on foxglove, egg, emerging from egg,
White tailed bumblebee Bombus lucorum on a thistle head
White tailed bumble bee Bombus lucorum nestled in the florets of a thislte head
Honey bee Apis mellifera
Honey bee Apis mellifera visiting the pear blossom in spring
Yellow meadow ant Lasius flavus
Yellow meadow ant Lasius flavus carrying an egg across the dirt
Bumblebee home 2
Wildlife home diagram for a bumblebee nest showing a wooden box full of hay or straw, in a hole under a stone with a pipe for access
Bumblebee home
Wildlife home diagram for a bumblebee nest with an inverted flower pop and a length of hose pipe as the entryway
White tailed bumblebee Bombus lucorum
White tailed bumble bee Bombus lucorum showing fluffy hairs and stripes, wings outstretched, cut to white
Honey bee Apis mellifera 2
Honey bee Apis mellifera detailed illustration of the worker
Bilberry bumblebee Bombus monticola
Bilberry bumblebee Bombus monticola in amongst heath plants and heather with distinctive orange furry abdomen