Pendulous sedge Carex pendulosa
Pendulous sedge Carex pendulosa with ligule, stigmas, and fruit

Pennywort Umbilicus rupestris
Pennywort Umbilicus rupestris showing round fleshy leaves and white flowers

Pepper saxifrage silaum silaus
Pepper saxifrage Silaum silaus with detail of individual flower

Perforated St Johns wort Hypericum perforatum
Perforated St Johns wort Hypericum perforatum showing flowers and leaves

Pheasants eye Adonis annua
Pheasants eye Adonis annua with pinnate leaves and red flowers

Phlox flowering head

Diagram of a pinnate leaf
Diagram of a pinnate leaf

Diagram of a Pollinia
Diagram of a Pollinia and within an orchid flower

Pondweed Potamogeton praelongus
Pondweed Potamogeton praelongus with seeds held erect out of the water and lanceolate leaves underwater

Poppy Papaver rhoeas
Poppy Papaver rhoeas with bud, seed capsule, and leaf

Potato Solanum tuberosum with Colorado beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Potato Solanum tuberosum in flower with badly damaged leaves with Colorado beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata on the leaf and also cut to white beetle. Egg, larva, and pupa

Potato Solanum tuberosum
Potato Solanum tuberosum in flower with potato tubers amongst the roots

Hooked Scorpion moss Scorpidium scorpioides
Hooked Scorpion moss Scorpidium scorpioides tuft with detail of one fascicle and of a leaf

Magellenic Bog moss Sphagnum magellicum
Magellenic Bog moss Sphagnum magellicum a tuft of this crimson moss then further details of one leaf and of several fascicles or shoots

Pointed Spear moss Calliergonella cuspidata
Pointed Spear moss Calliergonella cuspidata ruft, individual shoot, stem leaf and shoot tip leaf

Red bog moss Sphagnum capillifolium ssp rubellum
Red bog moss Sphagnum capillifolium tuft, shoot, clump pf shoots, fasicle, stem leaf and branch leaf

Rusty Hook moss Scorpidium revolvens
Rusty Hook moss Scorpidium revolvens tuft, individual shoot, and one recurved leaf

Soft bog moss Sphagnum tenellum
Soft bog moss Sphagnum tenellum a clump of this tiny delicate yellow moss and details of a shoot tip, one leaf, one shoot, and a few shoots together

Woolly Fringe moss Racomitrium lanuginosum
Woolly Fringe moss Racomitrium lanuginosum tuft with one hairy shoot and one lone leaf

Yellow starry feather moss Campyllium stellatum
Yellow starry feather moss Campyllium stellatum with detail of one shoot and of one leaf with cells at the base and a stem leaf

Mountain avans Dryas octopetala
Mountain avans Dryas octopetala plant with flowrs and detail of a lone seed head

Mountain everlasting flower Antennaria dioica
Mountain everlasting flower Antennaria dioica with flowers growing from a basal rosette and a second basal rosette growing from the main plant by adventitious growth

Mountain pansy Viola lutea with landscape
Mountain pansy Viola lutea with a dales landscape behind

Mountain pansy Viola lutea
Mountain pansy Viola lutea with several flowers and showing the different leaf shapes