Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum
Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Oregon Grape Mahonia aquifolium
Oregon Grape Mahonia aquifolium sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Yellow Loosestrife Lysimachia punctata
Yellow Loosestrife Lysimachia punctata sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Butterfly bush Buddleja davidii
Butterfly bush Buddleja davidii sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Old Man’s Beard Clematis vitalba
Old Man’s Beard Clematis vitalba sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Giant Goldenrod Solidago gigantea
Giant Goldenrod Solidago gigantea sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Himalayan Knotweed Persicaria polystachum
Himalayan Knotweed Persicaria polystachum sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Narrow-leaved Ragwort Senecio inaequidens
Narrow-leaved Ragwort Senecio inaequidens sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Oriental Bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus
Oriental Bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus
Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Marsh Pennywort Hydrocotyle vulgaris
Marsh Pennywort Hydrocotyle vulgaris showing stoloniferous growth
Lousewort Pedicularis sylvatica
Lousewort Pedicularis sylvatica showing low growing parasitic plant with root
Bog Rosemary Andromeda polifolia
Bog Rosemary Andromeda polifolia showing distinctive bell-like flowers
Heath Milkwort Polygala serpyllifolia
Heath Milkwort Polygala serpyllifolia showing sprawling habit and calyx and seed detail
Mouse-ear Hawkweed Pilosella officinarum
Mouse-ear Hawkweed Pilosella officinarum with stolon and basal rosette
Changing forget-me-not Myosotis discolor
Changing forget-me-not Myosotis discolor showing yellow and pink and blue flowers
Bog Asphodel Narthecium ossifragum
Bog Asphodel Narthecium ossifragum for identification chart
Hares-foot clover Trifolium arvense
Hares-foot clover Trifolium arvense with detail of one flower and calyx
Zinnia Sketchbook study
Partial sketch of a Zinnia flower done to accompany a step-by-step youtube video:
Ground elder Aegopodium podagraria
Ground elder Aegopodium podagraria showing individual seed and flower as well as spreading roots
Red Bartsia Odontites vernus
Yellow-wort Blackstonia perfoliata
Yellow-wort Blackstonia perfoliata showing basal rosette, individual seed, and distinctive pale green glaucous leaves
Common Fleabane Pulicaria dysenterica
Common Fleabane Pulicaria dysenterica with disc floret seed with pappas and ray floret detail