Long horn beetle
Long horn beetle with blue markings on the elytra, yellow spots on the legs and long antennae, cut to white, dorsal view
Giant African Long horn beetle Pterognatha gigas
Giant African Long horn beetle Pterognatha gigas showing pale wing cases, brown clour, and long antennae, dorsal view, cut to white
Purpuricenus kaehleri beetle
Purpuricenus kaehleri wood boring beetle
Rosemary beetle Chrysolina americana
Rosemary beetle Chrysolina americana
Screech beetle Hygrobia tarda
Screech beetle Hygrobia tarda dorsal view, floating in the water with a sprig on water weed behind
Harlequin beetle Acrocinus longimanus
Harlequin beetle Acrocinus longimanus cut to white showing distinctive orange and cohre pattern, elongated fore legs, and long antennae
Aristobia approximator beetle
Aristobia approximator beetle
Spruce Bark beetle Ips typographus
Spruce Bark beetle Ips typographus inset illustration against a background showing maternal and larval galleries in bark
Tropical beetle ventral view
Tropical beetle ventral view showing large hind legs and metallic red and green colouration
Buprestid metallic wood boring beetle
Buprestid metallic wood boring beetle cut to whtie showing its extraordinary rainbow colouration
Banded jewel beetle Chrysochroa buqueti rugicollis
Banded jewel beetle Chrysochroa buqueti rugicollis with wings outstetched and banded elytra on show, red metallic thorax
Colorado Potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Colorado Potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata life cycle with adult, egg, pupa, and colourful orange grub all cut to whtie
Cotton boll weevil Anthonomus grandis
Cotton boll weevil Anthonomus grandis adult and larva and pupa, the latter two inside developing cotton bolls
Dicronorrhina derbyana Derby’s flower chafer
Dicronorrhina derbyana Derby’s flower chafer
Dorcadion scopoli Longhorn beetle
Dorcadion scopoli Longhorn beetle cut to white
Dung beetle Oxysternon conspicillatum
Dung beetle Oxysternon conspicillatum dorsal view
Dung beetle Geotrupes stercorarius
Dung beetle Geotrupes stercorarius view from above dosal view
Eupholus bennetti weevil
Eupholus bennetti weevil from above showing amazing powder blue and black markings
Growing cucumbers 2
Cucumber plant drowing up a support showing tendrils, leaves, and young cucumber fruits and flowers alogn with companion planting of nasturtium
Building a raised bed 2
How to build a raised bed from planks showing attachments of horizontal planks to the vertical uprights, and how to secure the bed in the ground
Pricking out seedlings 2
Safely pricking out seedlings from a seed tray
Double digging 2
Diagram showing how to do double digging of a flower bed or vegetable plot
Iris in gravel
Iris in gravel with blue petals
Garden border
Garden border in spring with tulips, crocus, daffodils and daisies abutting a carefully tended lawn and edged with concrete slabs