Lilac Hedgerow encouraging wildlife
Hedgerows encourage birds, mammals, and insects and are easy to integrate into a garden. this Swedish garden scene shows this priniciple.

Coastal Hay Meadow in Devon
Coastal Hay Meadow in Devon (Bentham). Illustration shows idealised grassland scene with insects, birds, and wild flowers one would hope to see in a well managed coastal hay meadow.

Nettle Urtica dioica sketchbook study
Pencil line drawing of the Nettle Urtica dioica with one leaf and one leaf underside in full colour, and a few details of the flower and purplish stem in colour, and an accompnying pencil line drawing of a different plant

Meadow in summer with butterflies
Meadow in summer with red kite circling, green woodpecker feeding from distant ant hills, goldfinch on teasels, and a peacock butterfly on a knapweed bloom with a Painted lady on hawkbit. A family cycle past behind.

Brownfield site landscape with best practice management advice
Landscape showing a brown field industrial site with factories and refineries in the distance, and an area of spoil and trah behind along with fly tipped wheels and bikes, flush next to a railway grown with buddejas; in the forground there are jackdaw and redstart, wild flowers and a small pool, and ltos of opportunist […]