Tropical beetle ventral view
Tropical beetle ventral view showing large hind legs and metallic red and green colouration
Buprestid metallic wood boring beetle
Buprestid metallic wood boring beetle cut to whtie showing its extraordinary rainbow colouration
Banded jewel beetle Chrysochroa buqueti rugicollis
Banded jewel beetle Chrysochroa buqueti rugicollis with wings outstetched and banded elytra on show, red metallic thorax
Colorado Potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Colorado Potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata life cycle with adult, egg, pupa, and colourful orange grub all cut to whtie
Cotton boll weevil Anthonomus grandis
Cotton boll weevil Anthonomus grandis adult and larva and pupa, the latter two inside developing cotton bolls
Dicronorrhina derbyana Derby’s flower chafer
Dicronorrhina derbyana Derby’s flower chafer
Dorcadion scopoli Longhorn beetle
Dorcadion scopoli Longhorn beetle cut to white
Dung beetle Oxysternon conspicillatum
Dung beetle Oxysternon conspicillatum dorsal view
Dung beetle Geotrupes stercorarius
Dung beetle Geotrupes stercorarius view from above dosal view
Eupholus bennetti weevil
Eupholus bennetti weevil from above showing amazing powder blue and black markings
Line drawing of a typical member of the scorpion family
Line drawing of a typical member of the spider family
Spider 2
Pen and ink illustration with brown watercolour top wash of a representative of the spider family
Wolf spider Lycosa
Wolf spider Lycosa
American lobster Homarus americanus pair
American lobster Homarus americanus pair with male with large claw and long red antennae in the foregrouf, female behind, colouration as when alive
White clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes
White clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes very simplifies line and wash drawing showing the crusatcean in profile
White clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes 2
White clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in profile with claws lifted and antennae extended
Crustaces family members
Pen and ink illustration showing the diversity of members in the Crustacea family
Edible crab Cancer pagurus
Edible crab Cancer pagurus pen and ink illustration with rich watercolour top wash, cut to white, stippled, view from above
Fresh water shrimp Gammarus pulex
Fresh water shrimp Gammarus pulex on a sandy background showing its laterally compressed sides
Horseshow crab Limulus polyphemus
Horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus wayercolour showing dorsal view of top of shell, cut to white
Woodlouse Porcellio scaber
Woodlouse Porcellio scaber illustration showing the rough crey surface and segmented body. Cut to whtie
Honey bee Apis mellifera
Honey bee Apis mellifera visiting the pear blossom in spring
Bilberry bumblebee Bombus monticola
Bilberry bumblebee Bombus monticola in amongst heath plants and heather with distinctive orange furry abdomen