Glaucous sedge Carexflacca
Glaucous sedge Carex flacca with rhizome growth and details of three stigmas, ligule, fruit and glume
Giant Fescue Festuca gigantea
Giant Fescue Festuca gigantea with spikelet, lemma and amplexicaul ligule
Few flowered Spike rush Eleocharis quinqueflora
Few flowered Spike rush Eleocharis quinqueflora with stem and individual flower detail; root information included
Dioecious sedge Carex dioica
Dioecious sedge Carex dioica with stem cross section, fruit, two stigmas, female glume, male glume, ligule and individual leaf along with rhizome information
Deergrass Scirpus cespitosus
Deergrass Scirpus cespitosus flowering clump with individual leaflet and stem cross section, glume, and spikelet detail
Crab Apple Malus sylvestris
Crab Apple Malus sylvestris with small fruits, woody stem, leaves, and blossoms
Cross leaved heather Erica tetralix
Cross leaved heather Erica tetralix with close up of flower, distinctive stame, and individual leaf with red gland at the base
Crowberry Empetrum nigrum
Crowberry Empetrum nigrum in fruit with individual leaf, flower, and leaf cross section which shows the inrolled leaf margin
Common sedge carex nigra
Common sedge carex nigra showing root, glume, fruit, ligule detail, stem cross section, and two stigmas
Common Cottongrass Eriophorum angustifolium
Common Cottongrass Eriophorum angustifolium showing red leaf tip and stem cross section as well as entire plant
Common comfrey Symphytum officinale
Common comfrey Symphytum officinale plant with details of pink and blue flowers
Carnation sedge carex panicea
Carnation sedge carex panicea whole plant with details on murcinate leaf apex, glume, fruit, ligule, cross section, three stigma fruit and stem cross section
Brown sedge Carex disticha
Brown sedge Carex disticha with stem cross section and individual fruit detail
Broad leaved Cottongrass Eriophorum latifollium
Broad leaved Cottongrass Eriophorum latifollium with individual seed, murcinate leaf tip, stem cross section, and flowering spike
Bottle sedge Carex rostrata
Bottle sedge Carex rostrata showing flowers, fruits, ligule, seeds, and glumes as well as the pinkish basal area
Blunt flowered rush Juncus subnodulosus
Blunt flowered rush Juncus subnodulosus showing lateral growth along a rhizome, rooting nodes, stem cross section showing hollows in the pith, and individual fruit detail
Black bog rush Schoenus nigricans
Black bog rush Schoenus nigricans showing individual flowering spike, stem cross section, and basal colour
Wet meadowland scene with butterflies
Distant landscape of hills and fiels with a tree in the midground, in the foreground butterflies such as the ringlet and meadow brown rest on orchids and buttercups