Fruit tree growth type or pattern espalier step over
Example of a fruit tree grown into a step over or low espalier type or pattern

Fruit tree growth types or patterns comparison
Examples of four different patterns of fruit tree trained growth type including espalier, step over espalier, dwarf pyramid, and a small standard. Apple trees.

Garden plans
Six different ways to design one garden showing how much variety you can find

Garlic plait
Garlic plait showing how the dired out leaves of each garlic plant can be pliated together to hold the bubs in a neat bundle, ready for use in the kitchen or for drying

Plaiting garlic bulbs
Garlic being plaited together for storage and drying, illustration showing the way to include more bulbs to make a big clutch of garlic bulbs

Green house shapes
Basic overview of the different shapes and styles of greenhouse available

Diagram of a greenhouse showing vents, shape, waterbut, and doors

Taking a hardwood cutting
How to take a hardwood cutting from a parent plant, four steps showing making the cutting, dipping it in hormone rooting powder, and establishing it in a new pot to grow

Hedge laying
Steps involved in establishing or laying a new hedge showing digging a trench for compost, planting the hedge plants, pruning them, and keeping the hedge straight

Hedge shapes
Different shapes you can trim your hedge into including boxy, sloped, and rounded

Bulb layer planting in a pot
How to layer bulbs of different sizes which grow at different depths in a pot

Laying a concrete path
Steps showing how to level the ground, set up the foundations, make a screed, and how to lay a smooth concrete path

Laying paving
Steps involved in laying paving slabs or stones and keeping them level and flat and removing the mortar from between the slabs

Laying turf
Laying turf showing how to prepare the ground, roll out the turf, and trim the grass to shape

Planting a pot
Step by step stages showing how to remove a plant safely and plant it into a larger pot where it can flourish, seven steps

Removing a branch
How to safely remove a branch, two steps showing the cuts involved

Laying bricks
How to build a brick wall, showing how to dig, place foundations, mortar the bricks to the wall and ensure your wall ends up level

Building a compost bin
Eight steps showing how to build a compost bin from planks

Making a pond
Six steps showing how to ready the ground, dig your pond, line your pond, and successfully fill your pond with water

Bulb planting depth chart
Chart showing how deep to plant different spring bulbs along with illustrations of the flower each bulb produces

Crop rotation plan
Three different sets of crops to grow on the same site which ensures the variety of vegetables grown won’t suffer pest damage which they could do if planted repeatedly on the same site. Vegetables shown include peas beans chicory and onions, sprouts cauliflower cabbage and broccoli, and celery carrots turnips potato and beetroot

Cross support in flower pot
Diagram showing how a cross support in a flower can can be used to keep a vertical support upright and so help keep the plant upright

Dividing clumping perennials
Diagram showing how to dig up clumping perennials such as hosta and divide them with the blade of a spade before returning them to the soil

Double digging
Diagram showing how to do double digging of a flower bed or vegetable plot