Lily bulb division
Dividing lily bulbs and establishing new plants in separate plant pots once the separated bulbs have sprouted new bubils

Link stakes
Delphiniums supported by link stakes in a pot

Building garden steps
Steps involved in cutting and making steps in the garden showing how to lay foundations of gravel, get the steps straight and level, and lay the paving slabs on top

Making a gravel path
Making a gravel path shown in three steps, setting out the edging boards, laying and tamping down the gravel, foundation, and raking the top gravel to create a perfect gravel path

Mixing tiny seeds with sand
Mixing tiny seeds in with some sand so you don’t lose the seeds and can see where you have sowed or broadcast them on the soil

Moving a shrub
How to dig up and safely move then replant a large shrub

Moving an established shrub
How to dig up and safely move then replant a large shrub

Growing a climbing plant in a container
Planting a climbing plant or vine in a container and providing it with support for growth

Planting a fruit tree
Planting a fruit tree and providing it with suitable support

Planting a hanging basket
Steps involved in establishing and planting up a hanging basket including how to allow plants to grow out sideways and how to re plant flowers in the new basket

Planting a shrub in a border
Planting a shrub in a border making sure the hole is large enough for the roots and that the shrub is planted level, back filling the soil and the hole, and watering in

Planting a tree
Planting a tree and making sure the hole is large enough for the root ball and the substrate is soft compost and soil, then ensuring the young tree is supported with an appropriate stake

Planting bulbs under turf
How to dig up turf and plant bulbs underneath before folding the grass sod back on top of the bulbs

Pollarding trees
How to pollard a tree by pruning

Pot in a plant pot
Using a second plant pot to provide drainage and support for a pot plant

Pricking out seedlings
Safely pricking out seedlings from a seed tray

Producing a single stem tree
How to prune a tree to ensure you have a single stem tree

Propagating strawberries
Propagating strawberries and finding and planting in runners to produce new plants which can be potted on sparately once established

Propagating perennials from basal cuttings
How to take basal cuttings from a perennial and trim the base before covering it with a bag in a pot until it’s established when the cuttings can be separated and re plantied or plated out

Fruit tree growth type or pattern bush
Example of a fruit tree grown into a bush pattern, in this case an apple

Fruit tree growth type or pattern fan
Example of a fruit tree grown into a fan pattern

Fruit tree growth type or pattern standard
Example of a fruit tree grown into a standard pattern

Fruit tree root stock type eventual heights chart
Chart showing the estimated eventual full grown height of trees with different sized root stock in cases of fruit tree, presented as an illustrated chart with the original size of the root stock and the final probable size shown in paler form

Fruit tree growth type or pattern dwarf pyramid
Example of a fruit tree grown into a dwarf pyramid pattern