Putting up a wire
Putting up a wire into a brick wall and ying in plants to encourage and surpport growth

Putting up posts and fencing
Putting up fence posts and a strudy and level fence

Putting up a trellis
How to put up a trellis using a frill and screwing the wood into the wall before building the trellis

Remiving bumps from a lawn
How to remove unsightly bumps and lumps from your lawn then return the turf to its original state

Removing rose suckers
Getting rid of rose suckers by removing them from the parent soil under the soil wearing protective gloves

Repairing a damaged lawn
How to remove damage from a lawn and re sow seeds to promote growth over the damaged area by flipping the sod and planting grass seed

Refreshing compost in a plant pot
Getting rid of old compost and replacing it with fresh new and organically rich compost to feed and nurture pot plants and container plants

Re potting a shrub
Removing a shrub from a pot which is too small for it and planting it out in a larger container safely

Ring barking
Ring barking a tree

Root division of Iris
How to divide a large clump or iris, tease the roots apart and re plant the divided plants

Runner bean trellis
Runner bean trellis with young plants at the foot of each bamboo cane

Comparison of seed sizes
Comparison of the tiny seeds of plants such as poppy to the much larger enormous seeds of plants like the broad bean

Shaping a hedge
Using guides and tips to get the shape you want for your hedge by pruning with shears

Lily bulb division
Dividing lily bulbs and establishing new plants in separate plant pots once the separated bulbs have sprouted new bubils

Link stakes
Delphiniums supported by link stakes in a pot

Building garden steps
Steps involved in cutting and making steps in the garden showing how to lay foundations of gravel, get the steps straight and level, and lay the paving slabs on top

Making a gravel path
Making a gravel path shown in three steps, setting out the edging boards, laying and tamping down the gravel, foundation, and raking the top gravel to create a perfect gravel path

Mixing tiny seeds with sand
Mixing tiny seeds in with some sand so you don’t lose the seeds and can see where you have sowed or broadcast them on the soil

Moving a shrub
How to dig up and safely move then replant a large shrub

Moving an established shrub
How to dig up and safely move then replant a large shrub

Growing a climbing plant in a container
Planting a climbing plant or vine in a container and providing it with support for growth

Planting a fruit tree
Planting a fruit tree and providing it with suitable support

Planting a hanging basket
Steps involved in establishing and planting up a hanging basket including how to allow plants to grow out sideways and how to re plant flowers in the new basket

Planting a shrub in a border
Planting a shrub in a border making sure the hole is large enough for the roots and that the shrub is planted level, back filling the soil and the hole, and watering in