Growing cucumbers
Cucumber plant drowing up a support showing tendrils, leaves, and young cucumber fruits and flowers alogn with companion planting of nasturtium
Growing salad crops in a container
Container growing herbs including marjoram, chives, basil, chervril, salad, lettuce, and nasturtium
Intensively planted raised bed
Raised bed growing chives, nasturtium, lavender, chili, cabbage, lettuce, rosemary, parsley, and violets
Lasagna garden
Lasagna garden cross section showing the layering of paper, organic matter such as compost, topsoil, and crops
Leaf litter
Study of leaf litter showing dead decaying leaves
Pepper seedling in a hand
Pepper seedling in a lump of soil, held in the hand of a gardener
Pinching out growth tips to encourage growth
A hand pinching out the growth tips on a cucumber plant to encourage lateral growth and more cucmber fruit
Planting a vegetable garden in a container
Brownstone house with back yard full of a diverse array of containers all of which are growing different edible food crops from herbs to fruit thorugh salads and vegetables.
Corner of a raised bed
Corner of a raised bed showing how to attach the plants to one another when building the bed
The three stages of compost
Three illustrations showing compost as it degrades into organic matter, from recognizable leaf litter through to earth like mulch
Two compost bin set up
Set up with two compost bins in rotation
Vegetable garden with taller plants at the back
Vegetable garden in a raised bed showing taller crop plants behind the shorter ones in the front including beans, borage, chives, and salad crops
Mildew on rose
Leaves and bud and flower of a rose covered wuith powdery mildew and mould, and causing discolouration of the leaves
Tawny Owlets Strix aluco
Tawny Owlets Strix aluco sitting clustered together on a branch covered in grey down feathers
Grey heron Ardea cinerea
Grey heron Ardea cinerea quick sketch, standing on one leg in a river
Grey heron Ardea cinerea with background
Grey heron Ardea cinerea wading ankle deep in a river with reeds behind
Common wood pigeon Columba palumbus
Common wood pigeon Columba palumbus showing pink and green feathers
Cuckoo Cuculus canorus
Cuckoo Cuculus canorus