Deaths head hawkmoth Acherontia atropos
Deaths head hawkmoth Acherontia atropos cut to white showing skull pattern on thorax
Silver Y Moth Autographa gamma life cycle
Silver Y Moth Autographa gamma lifecycle showing caterpillar, silk cocoon, adult and egg arranged around the round leaved mint food plant
Silver Y Moth Autographa gamma
Silver Y Moth Autographa gamma adult at an angle cut to white
Small Chocolate tip moth Clostera pigra
Small Chocolate tip moth Clostera pigra holding its wings unconventionally held against a leaf background
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta life cycle with food plant Tobacco
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta life cyle with Tobacco plant showing all the life stages including egg, pupa, caterpillar, and adult moth
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta caterpillar life stages
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta life stages egg pupa larva adult cut to whtie
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta moth
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta moth
Tobacco horn worm Manduca caterpillar and food palnt
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta with food plant tobacco
Emperor moth Saturnia pavonia female
Emperor moth Saturnia pavonia female adult cut to whtie showing grey and brown furry wings with eyespots
Fresh water shrimp Gammarus pulex
Fresh water shrimp Gammarus pulex on a sandy background showing its laterally compressed sides
Woodlouse Porcellio scaber
Woodlouse Porcellio scaber illustration showing the rough crey surface and segmented body. Cut to whtie
Grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis 2
Pen and ink sketch of a Eastern Grey or Grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis trying to access peanuts from a bird feeder, turned upside down and clinging to a tree
Grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis 3
Eastern Grey or Grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis nibbling a nut in profile, cut to white
Growing cucumbers 2
Cucumber plant drowing up a support showing tendrils, leaves, and young cucumber fruits and flowers alogn with companion planting of nasturtium
Yellow Flag Iris pseudoacorus pencil
Yellow Flag Iris pseudoacorus in flower, pencil drawing
Yellow loosestrife Lysimachia vulgaris
Yellow loosestrife Lysimachia vulgaris pencil drawing
Yellow water-lily Nuphar lutea
Yellow water-lily Nuphar lutea pencil drawing of flowers, brandy bottle seed head, and leaves floating on the water surface
White waterlily Nymphaea alba
White waterlily Nymphaea alba flower against a darker floating lily leaf, pencil
Wild garlic Allium ursinum pencil
Wild garlic Allium ursinum in flower, pencil
Wood anenome Anemone nemorosa pencil
Wood anenome Anemone nemorosa pencil drawing
Twinflower Linnaea borealis
Twinflower Linnaea borealis pencil drawing
Water dock Rumex hydrolapathum
Water dock Rumex hydrolapathum pencil drawing
Water horsetail Equisetum fluviatile
Water horsetail Equisetum fluviatile pencil illustration showing flower and leaf
Water Plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica
Water Plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica flowering and showing both leaf types. Pencil