Beautiful demoiselle Calopteryx virgo
Beautiful demoiselle Calopteryx virgo male in side view showing irridescent blue body and beautiful irridescent wings held folded, perched on water side vegetation with red eyes and bright green thorax clear
Mountain avans Dryas octopetala
Mountain avans Dryas octopetala plant with flowrs and detail of a lone seed head
Iris in gravel
Iris in gravel with blue petals
Iris in gravel
Iris in gravel with blue petals
Different types of path
Different paths you can build including herring bone brick, paving stones, stepping stones in the grass, crazy paving, stone, and gravel
Making a gravel path
Making a gravel path shown in three steps, setting out the edging boards, laying and tamping down the gravel, foundation, and raking the top gravel to create a perfect gravel path
Laying a concrete path
Steps showing how to level the ground, set up the foundations, make a screed, and how to lay a smooth concrete path